The sorry state of Flirc and Pulse Eight support
This post is a "buyer beware" info from my personal experience.

In short, if you buy Flirc or Pulse Eight hardware and it does not work correctly due to software issues - you are on your own. (If hardware is broken, you just replace it.)

Flirc is apparently a one man army (or close to it). I actually got helpful information after I contacted the official support, but it looks like the software/firmware for Flirc have deep issues and there's no any time horizon for fixing them (or even some firm statement of intent).
Pulse Eight support responds with standard formulas and that's it. Issues which are opened for years already are not addressed.
So in this case you pay for hardware and a chance it would work correctly in your scenario.

Background: I used to have a NUC, where both CEC features and IR worked perfectly with all my setup. When I replaced it with a mini PC with USB-CEC adapter and then also Flirc - I cannot obtain working setup regarding remote control with the same hardware around the mini PC.
The CEC problems are partly on Kodi side, but here I basically got the support I paid for.

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The sorry state of Flirc and Pulse Eight support0