A Waydroid-esque add-on that allows Kodi to run Android Apps in a Container
I want to think it's possible. On Linux-powered Kodi OSes at the very least. With a thrown in custom Google-TV esque skin as a bonus.

I mean, it sounds amazing on paper. And if it can be somehow implemented, Android TV Boxes will be a thing of the past.

For those unaware what Waydroid is, think of it as WINE, but for Android Apps:


If it sounds ideal enough, I want to hear the whys and why nots.
(2023-08-13, 15:12)SecularSteve Wrote: Android TV Boxes will be a thing of the past.

for myself, i will not be giving up Dolby Vision and Widevine L1 (the only way to get good quality from android streaming services) in trade for this emulated android (which probably also will not have hardware acceleration available) ran on a graphically limited Linux

(graphically limited due to limited support for graphics under linux)

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A Waydroid-esque add-on that allows Kodi to run Android Apps in a Container0