No video played from browser
Hi there

brand new user of Kodi here!

I do have a movie list that appears in Chorus when accessing Kodi through  a web browser, but when I select one to play it, and while it seems to play ( the Play button becomes a Pause button, and the countdown starts), I have neither the video nor the audio playing from the laptop...

Is there anything wrong?
I must admit I don't even know where to start looking!

thanks in advance
OK got it.

From the web browser you control Kodi to stream the video content to the screen / tv the device is connected to. Not to the PC you're browsing from.

So I guess what I'm trying to do is something like a plex TV where you have the Kodi that streams the content on the pc you're using.... if it's clear...

I'll try and find a solution...
yeah that's what I figured out by myself.

I got a poor home cinema install (basically a videoprojector that is even not connected to a hdmi amp...) and I'm trying to find a way that will allow me to get a kodi station stream the video on a laptop that will be connected to the projector.

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