V21 omega - album artists
I have some weird behaviour ongoing:
in settings show song and album artists disabled.
with music brainz Picard albumartists, album artists and release artist id all cleaned for any multiple release artists. This is mostly with classical albums where i want the album artists to be the composer only in stead of also the conductor, the choir/orchestra, etc. In this way i avoid the "pollution" of many one release only album artists in the library view.

But in v21 library view i still get the cleaned (removed) album artists in the album artists library view. Checking again in musicbrainz there is no trace in the file tags of those removed album artists. I do have fetch additional information during updates enabled in kodi settings though (but in my (maybe bad) recollection that setting had no impact prior v21).

Up until 20 it worked flawlessly for me: remove the unwanted album artists from the tags (albumartists and releaseartist id) in the music file and the album only showed under the remaining album artist (the removed ones didn't get presented in library view at all if no "exclusive" albums attached to them).

What changed in v21? What can i do to revert back to my desired situation. Funny thing, it' seems to be only with new albums being added to the db v21, added before v21 with cleaned tags stay unaffected.
I am out of touch (not been involved in v21 development) but as far as I know nothing in the way Kodi processes music file tags has changed, but editing Musicbrainz tags is swimming against the tide of the way Kodi works and can so easily fail to editing errors. I don't have the time available to persoanlly get digging into both/either your music files or music database, but that is where the clues will be (not the debug log, before someone suggests you provide one).

Can you test this behaviour out on a separate test installation of Kodi with only one such album scanned into the music library? You don't mention what platform you are on, but a portable isntallation is easy on Windows.
I'll do that, revert back to v20 and test one album tomorrow. I'm on windows, so do a portable install. Let's what that brings. Tag editing errors it"s probably not.
Great you understand how to use portable installations. Yeap try v20 with one problem album, and maybe do same with v21 so we can compare. Sorry to point at tagging error as likely, but people get caught out time and time again that way. Interested to see your results.
OP, the way I would do this is to set
Album Artist -- The "display" tag with all the composer, orchestra etc.
Album Artists -- The composer
MB Album ID -- Correct release ID
MB AlbumArtist ID -- The composer MBID

Also when adjusting tags I would remove all "song" files for that album from the source and do a music library update and clean, then restore the files (after changing tags) and do update again.  Be aware of any album.nfo files you might have created/exported.

scott s.
I'm still testing trying to identify the issue (i have some other hickups to sort out at the same time as i found it a brilliant idea to switch to mariadb to share library between kodi devices). Still on v20 mariadb/MySQL following seek to happen:

Relevant kodi settings:
1. Show song and album artists: off (= only album artists shown in library view)
2. Fetch additional information during updates: On3. Default providers for albums and artists: local info4. Prefer online information: Dunno (maybe was on and switched it off, need to retest, but should not matter because 100% of my music is tagged with MusicBrainz).

settings music database:
1. Fetch additional info and art during scan: yes2. Provider for album info: local info only3. Provider for artist info: Universal artist scraper.

based upon above what happens during initial scan is:
1. After scanning the albums: everything ok, in the library view I only see album artists (as I should see based upon the show song and album artist setting, based upon the tag albumartists in combination with the musicbrainz tag release artist.
2. Then the next step in initial scan is getting artist info. Here what happens is that next to albumartists also info is collected on the song artist. So in the 1st step next to album artist also the artist tag is read by kodi. In principle fine with me and consistent with the setting choices for show song and album artist.
3. But then the bonkers thing happens, these artists who are only included in individual songs, only in the artist tags (name, sort and MusicBrainz id) are added to the library view in v20 when the setting is that only album artists are to be shown. That''s quite unfortunate when you have quite some compilation albums or DJ albums, library view explodes.

So my current conclusion is that the show song and album artist setting may be broken in v20, not 100%. I do need to retest the setting prefer online information to assess the impact of that setting (but should not matter i think).

Any help om a hard delete of mariadb music library in windows i'd appreciate, since it seems to be protected. I need to delete it to test further, the funny thing now is that even i if i delete the database in kodi and clean library it still shows (and i can still play music) in the (now very bloated) library view.
Forget my last comment on mariadb, i managed to delete the db? I also deleted all album nfo's just to make sure those don"t interfere in testing.
@Littletycoon if you can reproduce this behaviour on a separate test installation of Kodi using SQLlite with one album or a very small number scanned into the music library, then I would be interested to poke about in the database file. Use SQLite rather than MariaDB because it is much easier to share the db with me.
I've tried many times with various changes in settings, but could not reproduce the behaviour. After clean install of maria db and v20 music library was built up with correct output in album artist view (combination of musicbrainz release artist id plus albumartists tag). I also migrated the whole successfully to v21.

In summary, no clue what happened, clean installs fixed it.

Only nuisance left is that after succesful scanning of albums into the library for some albums it keeps rescanning them in next library scans, it's supposed to only do a millisecond check iso rescan into library. But this is only very very minor nuisance.

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