Issues with transcoded videos and other codecs.
I'm trying to get Kodi, running on RecalBox 9.2beta, RPI5 working properly with my Plex Media Server.

I've tried the following add-ona with the exact same problem.

Direct streams only display a track bar, no video.
Forced transcoded videos have numerous issues.
- Screen has large, rectangular green tinting over it.
- playback speed of video isn't correct.
- sync issued
- Miscellaneous artifacting of other scenes over the current one.

Are there perhaps codecs I need to force install?

I also tried the official Plex app but it appears abandoned and entirely non functional.
I think no one can help you here. It's completely unknown what the "RecalBox" people do, what they ship, configure / etc. Head over to their support channel.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2023-12-31, 13:03)fritsch Wrote: I think no one can help you here. It's completely unknown what the "RecalBox" people do, what they ship, configure / etc. Head over to their support channel.

:/ I'll look into tinkering with hw acceleration properties.
Disabling DRM Prime fixed my issues.
It would be useful information to test if LibreELEC works in place of recalbox's kodi.
If it does, then this is a question for recalbox who presumably need to update something that is not supporting pi5 (e.g. kernel, mesa, ffmpeg etc).

If this also fails then there is a different issue that needs investigation.

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Issues with transcoded videos and other codecs.0