Overlay or Icon for Plugin
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to provide an overlay or icon/indicator for a menu item in a Kodi plugin.

I had a peruse through the stubs and I'm not really finding anything. All I want to do is to indicate that a trailer is available in the context menu for a menu item.

Aside from mangling the title text or color I don't suppose anyone has a nice method for indicating this type of info?

Ideally I'd like an icon or a way to provide an overlay to the thumb.
Plugins are just data providers and can't (and shouldn't) influence the visual representation. That's the job of the skin.

You can set the info label "ListItem.Trailer". How this info is used is up to the skin, but there usually is a "Trailer" button in the info dialog.
(2024-02-02, 06:16)sarbes Wrote: Plugins are just data providers and can't (and shouldn't) influence the visual representation.

Yep, fully aware of the goals of a plugin was just hoping there was a standardised param for the thing I was asking. I'm already setting the trailer for the menu item so I'll leave it as a menu option and adjust the colour ever so slightly.
There is an overlay that can be set for a listitem (see here), but it likely wont do what you want since there's a set value to indicate which overlay you want, rather than a png or something like that.


overlay integer (2) - range is 0..7. See Overlay icon types for values

ICON_OVERLAY_NONE Value 0 - No overlay icon.
ICON_OVERLAY_RAR Value 1 - Compressed *.rar files.
ICON_OVERLAY_ZIP Value 2 - Compressed *.zip files.
ICON_OVERLAY_LOCKED Value 3 - Locked files.
ICON_OVERLAY_UNWATCHED Value 4 - For not watched files.
ICON_OVERLAY_WATCHED Value 5 - For seen files.
ICON_OVERLAY_HD Value 6 - Is on hard disk stored.

Probably easier to set the logo of the listitem to what you want it to be with setArt

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Overlay or Icon for Plugin0