Information Issues with Kodi 20.4 and Windows 11pr
Hi anyone, I run Kodi 20.4 on windows 11 pro. Never had a problem until last night.

Normally the Kodi screen fills the whole screen, but now I got Windows task bar on the bottom and a blue bar on the top. The black Kodi screen in between.

I can't find a way to get rid of the windows bars.

Anyone knows what possible went wrong?
Before it worked as is always was and as it should.
Those two bars are very annoying.

Thanks already.
Try pressing F11 or \
Or Settings / System / Display -> Full screen

When you have windows gadgets, you can resize etc. as if it was just an explorer window. Toggling the \ or in settings 'full screen' will create Kodi in it's own full screen and on exit of the program, this choice will be saved for next launch.

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Issues with Kodi 20.4 and Windows 11pr0