Unlock specific add-on. Lock add-on settings.
I've set up a separate profile for the kids. It shows only Favorites, and the only thing in Favorites is the youtube add-on. However, for it to not require the master lock code to open YouTube I apparently have to allow all add-ons. The problem is that it's possible to navigate from the YouTube add-on to anywhere else in "Video", including "Video/Add-ons". Can I restrict this somehow?
Also, how can I allow the YouTube add-on to be opened without a code, while not allowing its settings to be changed without a code?
Hmm... it seems like I more or less managed to do it by locking down all but "videos window" and "programs & scripts windows" and showing only favorites in the UI and have only the desired add-on in favorites. However, it's still possible to navigate from the add-on to the "Videos" list, and from there to "Videos/Add-ons", which enables the user to run all available add-ons. Not the end of the world, but a bit annoying.
If it's in a profile, can't you just disable all the other addons in that profile.  Not sure if you can lock the addon browser (don't have any real experience with locks).

scott s.

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Unlock specific add-on. Lock add-on settings.0