Best way to rip (folders and order, etc)
I am just starting out with XBMC, and am very excited to be hopefully using it instead of Media Center. I have been messing with DVDfab, and it seems to rip very well. However, it always puts things in several layers. I get this, for instance, with the movie Chicken Little: MainMovie\LTL0NNF1\Video_TS\All the VOBs are here. XBMC does not seem to recognize any of this. ANy idea/help? I have the similar issue with Music. WMP11 rips all music to an artist folder, then an album folder: Journey\Journey's Greatest Hits\. XBMC does not see this in the library view, only when I actually pick an artist and drill down.

Try using Library Mode...if you're using the mayhem skin it's an option bubble on the left hand side...This will prevent you from sifting through anymore folders
I am in Library mode, with the AEON skin. It just shows all empty pictures until I select an artist or movie and go down a level to the artist. And then it has VOB files.
It looks like maybe you're pointing DVDFab at the wrong dir? Most of those APPs will create a proper DVD directory structure (ie MOVIE_NAM/VIDEO_TS/*.IFO|*.IDX|*.VOB). That extra "LTL0NNF1" dir in there is what is throwing everything off.
DVDfab apparently creates a folder first named either MAINMOVIE or FULLMOVIE. Then it puts the other stuff under it. What is the format most people rip to for XBMC?
The one I mentioned is the only one we'll recognize as a dvd folder and stack properly.
Regarding your music problem... dont know if i understood it correct but you have trouble getting xbmc to display your music in library mode ?

If so you need to read up on something called id3 tags. You need to have your music tagged correctly. When your files have correct tags you can scan them to library in xbmc and they will show correctly.
use a program like Tag&Rename you can download a trial. if you load some of your songs into Tag&Rename you can easily see if they have id3 tags and if they dont, add tags Smile
on your computer, make a folder with the name of your movie. After running it through fab, assuming you told it to put the movie files for the movie into the folder of the same name, you will open that folder up, then you will see a folder called main movie, which there is an option under setup to not make that. If you remove that option, then you will only see 2 folder in the folder you created, an audio ts, which you will delete, and a video ts. take the contents of the video ts folder, ctrl-a to select all, cut then paste those files into the main folder you created, no problems, delete the main movie, audio ts and video ts folders AFTER you removed everything out of them.
sorry for the double post, but the info wont work right off the movie folder if the ifo files are 2 folders down or deeper. couldnt find how to edit.

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Best way to rip (folders and order, etc)0