Custom Time Seeking Problem

Example 4
In this example things get weird. Despite the name of the tags, we can actually use either "forward" or "back" for both forward and backwards seeking, depending on if we use the - (minus) sign or not. While not actually practical, this is one example of how these settings could be used. When using default keymaps we get the following behavior:
Left: forward 10 seconds
Right: forward 20 seconds
Up: forward 30 seconds
Down: forward 40 seconds


What this implies is it will skip the designated number of seconds in a video when the left, right, up, down keys are pressed. However, when I tried this (using my own preferred number of seconds) it had no effect. Left and right continued to follow the defaults indicated in the GUI settings. Up and down jumps forward and backward approximately 7 minutes... I have no idea where that's coming from.

Therefore, my next thing to try was based on:

I tried:
<seeksteps>20, 60</seeksteps>

This works but only for left and right. My hope had been that since there were only 2 steps, up and down would do 60 seconds. However, they persist in doing the ~7 minute forward and backward jumps.

Thus, my question... when playing videos, how exactly do I make Kodi jump the exact number of seconds I want using the left, right, up, down buttons? Thanks!!!

Version / OS: Kodi 21 RC1 / Android 12
You likely have to adjust your keymap to bind the correct actions to the keys as the defaults have most likely changed since v14 (at least up/down are not a simple skip anymore by default).
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Thanks for the reply. I didn't realize that referenced Kodi wiki page was outdated and the functionality had subsequently changed. I appreciate the info.

BTW: To anyone else who comes across this thread. I discovered that the up/down arrows aren't jumping ~7 minutes per se but that just happened to be the amount of time between chapters in the movie I was testing with. In other words, as of Kodi 21 RC1, the up/down arrows are being used to go to the next/previous chapter points... at least in a video that has them. I didn't initially even think of that since I genuinely don't know anyone who actually uses chapter points so, it didn't occur to me that's what the default might currently be for those buttons. Anyway, I haven't had a chance yet to test what they might do differently (if anything) in a video without chapters.
By default the Up/Down arrows are mapped to ChapterOrBigStepForward and ChapterOrBigStepBack, see and these actions always seek to chapter points if they exist and will only fallback to time seeking if no chapter points exist. If you don't care about chapter points you can use the square brackets which are mapped to BigStepForward / BigStepBack, see or modify Up/Down to use these actions, this is assuming you're using a keybaord. However it's similar if you're using a remote see

Also I'm not sure if your advancedsettings.xml is fully correct as the wiki also has this entry:


which you are missing.

I've been meaning to test all of this as the code was changed quite a bit with the introduction of skip steps to ensure what on the HOW-TO:Modify time seeking page still works. However there always seems to be more things to do than there is free time to do so hadn't got to it.
Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I had previously discovered <usetimeseeking>true</usetimeseeking> and added it within the <video> section of my advancedsettings.xml. I appreciate the additional clarification regarding the up/down buttons and your reference to the remote.xml file. I will customize that so up is BigStepForward and down is BigStepBack and thereby ignore chapters.

Thanks again!

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Custom Time Seeking Problem0