No Pipewire Sound Server in kodi 21
If you wanna switch from your kodi 20 PPA installation to the kodi 21 Flatpak version just move everything from ~/.kodi to .var/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/data/ thats it....
Hei, thanks a lot.
Thats a useful hint. The Flatpak version gives me a second, independent Kodi and its possible to test it without the fear of breaking something.
Later on i hope, that sometime the Ubuntu-repo will contain Kodi 21. As far as i know the upcoming Ubuntu 24.04 will contain Kodi 20.5.

Upgraded from Fedora 39 to 40 recently and noticed pipewire is now working using Kodi 21 Flatpak and pipewire-pulse when started with 'flatpak run tv.kodi.Kodi --audio-backend=pipewire &'.

No passthrough options visible in the Kodi GUI though nor 5.1 sound being played with Dolby/DTS material even though I tried to force it in the Kodi GUI config file:

<setting id="audiooutput.audiodevice">PIPEWIRE:alsa_output.pci-0000_00_14.2.iec958-stereo.2|Audio interne Stéréo numérique (IEC958)</setting>
<setting id="audiooutput.channels">8</setting>
<setting id="audiooutput.config">3</setting>
<setting id="audiooutput.passthrough">true</setting>
<setting id="audiooutput.passthroughdevice">PIPEWIRE:alsa_output.pci-0000_00_14.2.iec958-stereo.2|Audio interne Stéréo numérique (IEC958)</setting>

Reverting from pipewire-pulse to pulseaudio still works as expected (flatpak run tv.kodi.Kodi --audio-backend=pulseaudio &):

<setting id="audiooutput.audiodevice">PULSE:alsa_output.pci-0000_00_14.2.iec958-stereo|Audio interne Stéréo numérique (IEC958)</setting>
<setting id="audiooutput.channels">8</setting>
<setting id="audiooutput.config">3</setting>
<setting id="audiooutput.passthrough">true</setting>
<setting id="audiooutput.passthroughdevice">PULSE:alsa_output.pci-0000_00_14.2.iec958-stereo|Audio interne Stéréo numérique (IEC958)</setting>

Is this still a Kodi limitation?

I read 1 and 2 but I'm not sure.

@LeliaBurke : To enable passthrough with PipeWire it needs to be configured appropriately, see for an example. But note that passthrough has problems in current PipeWire itself, a team member is currently in the process of upstreaming a fix so don't be surprised if it doesn't work in every scenario.
Impressive way to vulgarize it. Thanks a lot. Works perfectly fine now.

sudo dnf --best --allowerasing install pipewire-pulseaudio
systemctl --user status pulseaudio.socket
systemctl --user status pipewire-pulse.socket
systemctl --user restart pipewire-pulse.socket
systemctl --user status pipewire-pulse.socket
systemctl --user restart pipewire
systemctl --user restart pulseaudio || systemctl --user restart pipewire-pulse
systemctl --user restart wireplumber
pactl info
flatpak run tv.kodi.Kodi --audio-backend=pipewire &

I read earlier today before, but understoot nothing. It's not really end user oriented. Hence my presence in this thread. Wonder why it isn't part of the stock Fedora config since it's known since version 0.3.? of pipewire.
Happy to here that it works for you Smile . Though I want to clear up a misunderstanding regarding pipewire-pulse: There are different ways to send audio data to PipeWire, the two you are confronted with are the native interface and the PulseAudio compatibility layer (pipewire-pulse). Both are available at the same time. When you launch Kodi with --audio-backend=pipewire it uses the native interface, with --audio-backend=pulseaudio it uses pipewire-pulse. Both times the audio goes through PipeWire, the original PulseAudio isn't involved anymore.

So when you use Kodi with --audio-backend=pipewire you technically don't have to have pipewire-pulse running or even installed. But most other software doesn't know how to speak to PipeWire the native way so having pipewire-pulse running is definitely recommended for a general purpose system.
(2024-04-28, 02:05)Neo1973 Wrote: Happy to here that it works for you Smile . Though I want to clear up a misunderstanding regarding pipewire-pulse: There are different ways to send audio data to PipeWire, the two you are confronted with are the native interface and the PulseAudio compatibility layer (pipewire-pulse). Both are available at the same time. When you launch Kodi with --audio-backend=pipewire it uses the native interface, with --audio-backend=pulseaudio it uses pipewire-pulse. Both times the audio goes through PipeWire, the original PulseAudio isn't involved anymore.

So when you use Kodi with --audio-backend=pipewire you technically don't have to have pipewire-pulse running or even installed. But most other software doesn't know how to speak to PipeWire the native way so having pipewire-pulse running is definitely recommended for a general purpose system.

I used --audio-backend=pulseaudio ony when pulseaudio was installed and pipewire-pulse wasn't.
Now that I swapped them, the --audio-backend=pulseaudio doesn't work anymore as far as SPDIF passthrough is concerned and I don't want to live without it. Misconfiguration issue possibly, but that's the way my system actualy is. Got a startup script to that effect.

cat bin/
systemctl --user restart pipewire
sleep 2s
systemctl --user restart pulseaudio
if [ $? -eq 5 ]; then
systemctl --user restart pipewire-pulse
sleep 2s
systemctl --user restart wireplumber
sleep 2s
# Copy the backup configuration
cp ~/Kodi\ Backups/${audio_backend}/guisettings.xml ~/.var/app/tv.kodi.Kodi/data/userdata/
# Run Kodi with the determined audio backend
flatpak run tv.kodi.Kodi --audio-backend=$audio_backend &

With all my gratitude for your kind assistance!

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No Pipewire Sound Server in kodi 210