Audio issues / questions
I use a variety of audio formats and have been eagerly awaiting the XBMC for pc so i can get higher quality audio then what the xbox can produce. So far these are the issues I have found in Beta1
  • .dts files play as white noise. XBMC for XBoX plays them just fine (though only at 48k) - Listed on another thread.
  • .ac3 audio files play fine but I must Manually select the DVDplayer as the playback device... manually!?!?
  • .wav files that were made from original 96k 24b DVD-A files don't play at all (crashes XBMC) Again XBMC for XBoX plays them fine though again at lower bitrates

Questions I have:
  • Will XBMC for PC/Linux/ETC.. ever be able to playback audio files at their original resolution? Or will there always be some conversion?
  • Am I to assume that whatever device i can get the host computer to use for audio XBMC will be able to use? IE like the HDMI cards from azuntech that are coming soon?
  • Will the library ever be able to see (and therefore list) alternate audio format files. IE .dts, .ac3, etc...?
Samples and debug log of each sample being played please. Xbox probably plays them with mplayer which isn't available in the other ports.

1. Depends on ALSA
2. So long as ALSA supports the device, we should be able to use it.
3. The files would need some sort of tags to be added to the library AFAIK.
I will see what I can do to get a small sample Most are full albums.. how shall i send it to you?
Paste and file share sites if you don't have some web space.

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Audio issues / questions0