.xession so the reboot happens
So by default in XBMCLive i have this
/usr/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin  -q -p --standalone
case "$?" in
    0 ) # Quit
        touch /tmp/noRestartXBMC
        break ;;
    64 ) # Shutdown System
        sleep 10 ;;
    65 ) # Warm Reboot
        echo Restarting XBMC ... ;;
    66 ) # Reboot System
        sleep 10 ;;
     * ) ;;

I notice the Shutdown/Reboot and Restart cases have no real operations, what does the actual rebooting and restarting?

Some times if XBMC crashes i would like to have it restart the X server, because i need the xorg.conf re-loaded so that HD1080i mode is restored on my HDTV.

Currently if XBMC crashes, it just sits there because i belive the HDTV goes into an invalid mode.

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.xession so the reboot happens0