Need to have the numeric Keypad arrow keys to work
I'm using the XBMC for windows.

Is there any way to make the arrow keys at the numeric keypad (on the PC keyboard) to work with the XBMC user interface? It doesn't matter if the num lock is turned on or off. XBMC doesn't accept those arrow keys in any way. I need to use those, since my remote control driver is sending the key pad arrow keys to the user interface.

I also tried the XBMC key mapping file, in order to change the arrow keys into something else. But that doesn't work. XBMC is only accepting the "genuine" separate arrow keys for navigating the user interface.

Any clues on how to solve this problem?
In the C:\Program Files\XBMC\system\keymap.xml go to the <keyboard> section. Change as follows:

Thanks for the suggestion, Slaveunit.

But that didn't work. I still can't navigate using the arrowkeys on the numeric keyboard. Did you manage to make it work?

Somehow it looks like a bug. The "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right" can not be tied to any other keys than the separate dedicated arrowkeys on the keyboard. Tie those to any other keyboard keys (including the numeric keyboard arrows), and the navigation doesn't work.

This works:


This doesn't work:

(or any other mapping)

Need help from more users that can confirm this issue, so I can post a bug report.

Yhea it works fine for me. I tested before I posted. You sure you are putting it into the correct par within keymap.xml?
Can you please post your "keymap.xml" file here?
What version av XBMC for Windows are you using?
This should work on all versions. Its nothing special.
I have SVN 17574
Here is a keymap with te adjustments
Thank you, SlaveUnit!
Your file worked better than mine! SmileSmileSmile
It's little bit strange, since I changed the mapping exactly at the same spots as you had.
Anyway... Now I got my remote control fully up and running with the XMBC!

But there's still peculiarities regarding the real arrow keys (on the PC keyboard) and the numeric arrow keys. If you play a movie, you can skip back and forth in time by using the real arrow keys. If you are using the numeric arrow keys, nothing happens. Even if they are mapped as "Up, Down, Left, Right". Do you get the same result as me on that one?

And... I wished I could use the arrow keys on the XBMC On Screen Keyboard. For example: If I want to rename files or add a new source under the "Video" section and then get the textline to enter the path, I can use the mouse and click the On Screen Keyboard. That should also be usable by the arrow keys and the select button. Just like in the XBMC for XBOX. Then I don't have to use a keyboard. Don't know why this isn't implented in XBMC for Windows.

Once again... Many thanks for the file!
Try adding this to your advancedsetting.xml

Quote:<navigatevirtualkeyboard>true</navigatevirtualkeyboard> <!-- This will activate virtual keyboard navigation, default is false -->

I tried this yesterday and it seems to be working. This is supposed to be only a workaround, i don't know if there are any side effects.
Once you start a video the keymap reads from a different part of the full. That part is called FULLSCREEN. So in there you would have to add something simliar to the keyboard section. Add this to that section:


It works. If you need me to send another keymap file I can. But try this yourself first.
SlaveUnit, thanks again!
That worked like a charm. Great! Big Grin

As I couldn't find the file "advancedsetting.xml" anywhere in the XBMC folders, I created a new one in the "systems" folder and also pasted that line of yours into it. No luck. Didn't work. Nothing happens on the OSK when pressing the arrow keys. Tried both the real arrow keys and the ones at the numpad... Sad

I would really love to have that working as well.

If not there make an advancedsetting.xml in:

C:\Documents and Settings\<your user name>\Application Data\XBMC\UserData
Didn't work either.... Sad
Its works for me. Your file should look like:

<navigatevirtualkeyboard>true</navigatevirtualkeyboard> <!-- This will activate virtual keyboard navigation, default is false -->
Hi SlaveUnit,
Sorry for late reply. I've been away.

Still doesn't work. I created the file "advancedsetting.xml" and copied your content into it:

<navigatevirtualkeyboard>true</navigatevirtualkeyboard> <!-- This will activate virtual keyboard navigation, default is false -->

(The "<advancedsettings>" and "</advancedsettings>" was new to me. Toiva probably forgot those.)

Then saved the file in the XBMC "Systems" folder. Didn't work. Can't navigate the OSK with either of the arrow keys. Then I moved the file to:

"C:\Documents and Settings\<your user name>\Application Data\XBMC\UserData"

No luck there as well. I then tested to change the filename "advancedsetting.xml" into "advancedsettings.xml" in case there were a missing "s" at the end. Didn't work either.

Very strange indeed. I'm stuck! Sad
Im hoping the <your user name> part is really your personal user name and the folder was already there.

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Need to have the numeric Keypad arrow keys to work0