File naming question
hi, i have been a long time lurker and this is my first post. I have been reading about the new stark skin ever since i installed aeon on my mac. I have been loving in so far. However when i was looking at all of the screenshots of the new skin there were icons at the bottom of the screen indicating if the movie was 720p. BD, DDS, etc... And i was just wondering how the skin knows what to put up? I have read in the long stark thread that it will be determined by the filename, but since djh_ was not done he has not given any specifics. Now that we have a release date of march 3 and 30th, i was just wondering if we have any details on how we should be naming our movie files?
some info
Aenima99x Wrote:some info

thanks, i must of missed it in my excitement Cool
I notice tomorrow was a few days back. Was this posted already and I'm just not looking in the right place?

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