[Request] TidalTV.com (Cable Channels)
I'd like to make a request for TidalTV.com (check it out if you haven't, its free like Hulu but with some what of a 'Live' twist to it) (its no where as great as Hulu, but does have some good content)

Here are the channels available on it:

CBS Prime - has Survivor, Price is Right, Big Brother

HGTV - Carter Can, HGTV Dream Home,

Food Network - 30 Minute Meals, Paula's Home Cooking, Everyday Italian, Good Deal, Diner's, Drive Ins, and Drives, Unwrapped etc

Discovery Channel Pulse - Dirty Jobs, Tattoos, Weapons that changed the World, Time Warp, etc

National Geographic Channel - Challenger, Hunter and Hunted,

MSNBC Features - Cops Caught on Tape, Return to Rikers etc

CBS Crime - Jericho, CSI NY, CSI Miami, NCIS, Numb3rs

DIY Network - Wasted Spaces, Bathroom Renovations, Desperate Landscapes, Renovation Realities

FLN (Fine Living Network) - Simplify your Life, Work that Room,

Travel Channel - Bizarre Foods, Off Road, Most Haunted

CNBC Originals - The Millionaire Inside,

NBC News Features

The Weather Network Features


The Wall Street Journal

Sony Pictures Television - Spider-Man, Who's the Boss, The Tick, Dana Carvey Show, Action, Kidnapped, Party of Five, Newsradio etc

Minisode Network - Married with Children, Fantasy Island, Bewitched, Voltron, Ricki Lake, Jeopardy, TJ Hooker, Karate Kid, Charlie's Angels, The Jeffersons

Timeless TV Channel - Benson, Barney Miller, Starsky and Hutch, Partridge Family, I Dream of Jeannie

TV Classics Channel - Star Trek, Love Boat, Perry Mason, Twin Peaks, Twilight Zone,

Cartoon Classics Channel - Woody Woodpecker, Popeye, Bugs Bunny,

CBS Soaps - Young and the Restless, As the World Turns, Guiding Light

Parents TV - The Big Day, Rest and Get Ready, Traveling

This Old House Channel - Ask This Old House, Concord Cottage etc

LeGourmet TV

My Home Ideas Channel

Classic College Sports Channel

VideoFashion Channel

Vogue TV

Ford Models

Sports Illustrated Channel - SI Swimsuit

Chic TV - Make Up Show, NY Fashion Week, In the Kitchen

Wedding TV
Well Replay Media Catcher wasn't catching anything on TidalTV.com, but that doesn't mean someone can't make a plugin for it. Any takers?
Voinage any thoughts on this one?

--Would be a nice addition...Wink

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[Request] TidalTV.com (Cable Channels)0