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Media Info Plus - Manage your Movies, Shows, Tunes, NFO and more (Open Source VB.NET)
I want to use this to update all my nfo files to contain the media info but whenever I select a movie I get this -
PHP Code:
System.IO.IOExceptionThe filenamedirectory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCodeString maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String pathFileMode modeFileAccess accessInt32 rightsBoolean useRightsFileShare shareInt32 bufferSizeFileOptions optionsSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrsString msgPathBoolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String pathFileMode modeFileAccess accessFileShare shareInt32 bufferSizeFileOptions options)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String pathBoolean append)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String pathBoolean appendEncoding encodingInt32 bufferSize)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path)
at movieinfoplus.mip.mov.Mov.writeMovXML(String folderString filename)
at movieinfoplus.movie.saveimdb2(movietmovieBoolean writemovienfoBoolean writemovienamedotnfo)
at movieinfoplus.maincollection.processdropdownitems()
at movieinfoplus.maincollection.lbMyMovies_MouseClicked(Object senderEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.WndProc(Messagem)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Messagem)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Messagem)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWndInt32 msgIntPtr wparamIntPtr lparam
All my movies are on a NAS.

EDIT: Sorted that problem out by not using the mapped drive label and instead using the actual network path.
Hitcher Wrote:I want to use this to update all my nfo files to contain the media info but whenever I select a movie I get this -
PHP Code:
System.IO.IOExceptionThe filenamedirectory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
All my movies are on a NAS.

EDIT: Sorted that problem out by not using the mapped drive label and instead using the actual network path.

That's weird for sure.. the mapped drive (as long as it is available) should work the same as the unc path.. i'm finding my box likes to drop my mapped mapped drive from the server all the time, which I think is prob something to do with the massive proxy based firewall sitting between them, I map the drive via IP, and specify the username/pass in the mapped drive setup. The share is reconnected when mip access's it.

In other news:
- command line tvshow update won't make it into the next test patch, too many weird things happen when the show isn't already configured

I did work out some options for fanart, here's what will be available (you must have image magick, any newer version, with the dll option, installed)
- automatically resize to xbmc level for movies and music when selecting the fanart

- Toolbar item - manually compress fanart to q60, q70, q80, q90, and q95 using imagemagick
- Toolbar item - manually resize fanart to 960x540, 1280x720, 1920x1080.. this will upscale / downscale the image as well as do a center fill.. what this means is that it will take non widescreen images and using the center point of that image, resize and scale it to fill the end resolution..
another way to say it is you can pick a image from google and it'll fix the size and fill it a widescreen image.

It's pretty slick when adding your own fanart when one is not available from tmdb.. when picking an image from another source.. try to find one where the content you want is near the center, since it's a center fill. Once ya try it a few times, it'll make sense

The compression is awesome too, even at 95%, meaning very little loss to image quality, the file size is cut way down. And image magick won't scale past it's quality level, so doing 60% quality twice will only have applied it once to that image, it's already at 60%. Very powerful image magick is.
What do you mean by configured? Already existing? For instance I wouldn't run it on any of mine unless of course its already ran once to make sure it scrapes it the first time just to make sure. Of course that was my plan. Wink
fekker had a question. im not sure if i overlooked but i have my movies rar'd and it contains a [100% files] dir in each dir once it sfv checks them. I tried to run and media info is picking up that dir is there a way to ignore [* dir?
kizer Wrote:What do you mean by configured? Already existing? For instance I wouldn't run it on any of mine unless of course its already ran once to make sure it scrapes it the first time just to make sure. Of course that was my plan. Wink

meaning it just hangs.. no debug output, nothing, just stops.. very weird.. i'll get it figured out.. just keep getting sidetracked

Quote:fekker had a question. im not sure if i overlooked but i have my movies rar'd and it contains a [100% files] dir in each dir once it sfv checks them. I tried to run and media info is picking up that dir is there a way to ignore [* dir?

I'm not sure what you mean, please give me a full path example or directory name and i'll add something that'll ignore it.

Example of my recent sidetrack
Where do I find the TV episode thumbs?
Hitcher Wrote:Where do I find the TV episode thumbs?

C:\Program Files\mediainfoplus\cache\tvdb\%TVDBID%\episodes

example: C:\Program Files\mediainfoplus\cache\tvdb\80348\episodes

I'm not sure if they have them up and running yet, I can't test from my current location as port 8080 is blocked
Ok, I've made some change to the episode images and hardcoded the mirror so it will pull them without bouncing off the main site, which is timing out 99% of the time.

The issue is that the xml changed for the path to episode images, invalidating all episode images in the process, in addition it's being redirected to port 8080.

You will need access to port 8080 on the interwebs.. test it by loading this image if your not sure

I'm compiling a MIP patch now and will have it up in a few minutes.

Update2: patch 2809 available on sourceforge
mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?hnwbynwitjv

This is just two exe files in a zip archive.. you will want to download the archive and extract those two files to your install path
- the command line update for tv shows requires that you have scanned in the tvshow into MIP.. doesn't have to have had any episodes, but the tvshow information must already be set.. this will be fixed later

2809 changed
fixed music fanart failed to load

2808 changes
fixed - fixed episode images for tvdb
added - added 2 additional gui color schemes (wicked red and wicked blue)
added - added command line update for tvshow episodes, requires that you first have scanned the show in MIP or it'll bomb out
added - music fanart resize for xbmc (automatic change when selecting it via option in settings)
added - extract image from music file to album art
added - added returned name from htbackdrops to fanart label for fanart images
fixed - sort wizard buttons missing text for some display color schemes
added - studio field to rating field option (for digitalhigh's skin)
fixed - when you set the TV Show Language to something diff to "en" it is back to "en" in the dialog when you go back into settings
added - add 0k file size check for episode images
added - command line options for tv show updates
added - fanart resize and compression options, requires image magick to work
Why is the main binary 48 megs? Can you make a portable version?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Fekker looks like its working. As well I think the command line one is working too.

I did notice that the last episode of Heroes refuses to pull the image down and its on TheTVDB, but I don't know if its all part of that port 8080 stuff or not.

Welp I looked in the cache and found the show number and the episode image number and used your example up above. It simply doesn't exist as of yet on their 8080 mirror, but the others do. Interesting and at least we got this far. Wink
Livin Wrote:fekker,
Why is the main binary 48 megs? Can you make a portable version?

portable added to sourceforge, 32bit only, no cached data, not an install version. ~10megs ish

Quote:Fekker looks like its working. As well I think the command line one is working too.

I did notice that the last episode of Heroes refuses to pull the image down and its on TheTVDB, but I don't know if its all part of that port 8080 stuff or not.

Welp I looked in the cache and found the show number and the episode image number and used your example up above. It simply doesn't exist as of yet on their 8080 mirror, but the others do. Interesting and at least we got this far.
yup, hasn't mirrored yet or is a broken link

There should now be a version on the FTP with the TV networks implemented fully for you to test against if you want...in 11 minutes. Wink

I forgot one yesterday as well. If possible, can you add "Syndicated" as number 41?

What were your thoughts on some kind of system to remember TV show info between runs of the program? Maybe it's just because I installed a new version, but I've now gotta wait for some 2138 files to download again, and I'm pretty sure they're all already there as I downloaded them yesterday while I went to the liquor store. Wink
Hitcher Wrote:Where do I find the TV episode thumbs?

fekker Wrote:C:\Program Files\mediainfoplus\cache\tvdb\%TVDBID%\episodes

example: C:\Program Files\mediainfoplus\cache\tvdb\80348\episodes

I'm not sure if they have them up and running yet, I can't test from my current location as port 8080 is blocked

Sorry, I meant where in MIP can I view the episode thumbs and NFO's?
fekker Wrote:portable added to sourceforge, 32bit only, no cached data, not an install version. ~10megs ish


what data does it normally cache?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Running 2809.

Fails to load my music .. looks like it quits scanning the folders when it hits 10,000 songs.

Show the correct total in the upper left corner but no artists listed below.

Am I running the proper latest version?

http://htbackdrops.com (Home Theater Backdrops) offers a large collection FanArt Backdrops of Music Artist and Games, and it also has a good collection of Weather Backgrounds. Help contribute by uploading FanArt for your favorite Music Artist and Games so that others can enjoy it as well.
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Media Info Plus - Manage your Movies, Shows, Tunes, NFO and more (Open Source VB.NET)7