[BUG?] Missing tempreature from the current day
I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended but...

The weather is displayed for the current day and the following 3 days. In both, they are displayed the maximum and lowest temperatures possible in that respective day, but the current day (the first one) doesn't show the max temperature.

I'm think this is because the temperature is in the left side of the first day but that should be current temperature at the exact moment right? Which may or may not coincide with the highest temperature for the current day.
xbmc bug i think. same with mediastream skin.
You're right, just tested this with MP3.HD, it doesn't show there too.

Sorry, never used the full detail view of weather before and Aeon uses it by default (sort of), thought it was a problem with Aeon.

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[BUG?] Missing tempreature from the current day0