Multiple-paths in each bookmark/share
do a software raid den or mount the drive as a ntfs folder in the shared folder.
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yeah - they are both valid comments, but id rather not implement any raid as i would hate for windows to break the raid and me loose almost 1tb of data because of it (ive had it happen to pleople)

just thought it would be easy for xbmc to implement, if not no biggie.

i think it is a good request.

i'd love to see xbmc be able to "combine" a local folder and a smb folder also.

so i can have...
combined with
smb://xbox:[email protected]/movies

... and show in a single screen listing on xbmc

until it is implimented i'd suggest using ntfs mount points for your purpose.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
i'd also like to voice my request for combining smb folders (and local ones? - no use to me mind) into one.
i'd like this as well, this would be great for those of us with things around our networks so we could do something like:

<name>all movies</name>

just an example of how i would imagine something like this would work so the "virtual share" would be named all movies and group everything from the paths assigned in this "virtual share". this would be great, i only hope a willing dev would also like this feature. :d

know any dev that might be able to knock this one out? seems like it would be a small addition to what is already there, not a major code change... but i could be wrong. :p
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
bumping to the top hoping a dev will want to work on this one...
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
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Multiple-paths in each bookmark/share0