Ortek VRC-100 MCE remote clone

I have the above remote and most buttons work minus previous, rewind, pause (acts as previous), and other buttons I am not sure how to map. The mouse cursor works, mouse buttons, arrow buttons to navigate, play, escape and skip forward as well. I am using Intelliremote 2.6.x.x.x which seems straightforward but the above problem buttons will not learn commands properly. I tried a trial of 2.7 but same issues.

I have XBMC for Windows, Babylon RC1 on Windows XP SP3. My remote's IR USB dongle is connected via an USB extender via CAT5e to my PC in another room which is pretty neat.

I was just wondering if anyone got this remote working fully or am I wasting my time trying to figure it out.

Is there a 'preferred' remote to use for the XBMC for Windows that is easy to setup? It seems users buy any remote, then try to figure it out. If it comes down to it, I rather spend another $20-30 and buy a remote that is proven which perhaps I should have done earlier Oo

Thanks in advance

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