Help re aeon
how do i nstall the aeon theme on xmbc on vista, I have tried for three hours to get this to work, I have searched the forum even used the online manual but without any luck, I have all the folders on my desktop, but I dont know what to do with them. If anybody could give me a point by point on how to do this it would be appreciated

Skins go in the 'Skin' folder found in Documents and Settings\<USER>\Application Data\XBMC\skin for XP.
Thanks hitcher, I have now put the aeon stark 091 into the skin folder but when i go into xmbc and try to change the skin theme it wont let me meidiastream and project mayhem are there, and I can change to these, what am I doing wrong

What does your Aeon folder structure look like? It should be:

XBMC/skin/Aeon/<lots of folders including 720p, fonts, language, etc>

It should NOT be a zip file. And it should not be:

XBMC/skin/Aeon/Aeon/<lots of folders>

nor should it be:

XBMC/skin/Aeon/0345703701asf032174720/<lots of folders>
Hi I figured it it out, there was a txt file in the aeon folder, removed that and put aeon folder in skins, it is now working, now all i have to do is figure out how to use the fan art, and start importingLaugh

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