[LIVE] Plugin problem - can't add plugins, as option not in menu
Just recently discovered XBMC - quite impressive!

Managed to install on a USB drive on one PC, and on a HDD (not as removable) on another.

However, I would like to install the iPlayer plugin, but there is no option for this in the latest (9.04.1) release. I.e when navigating to: Videos / Add media / browse, there is no option for "Video Plugin". Sad (This is true for both installs)

Is this a glitch / solvable?

Any help greatly appreciated, as over 7 hours on the forums (and indeed google) and I cant seem to find anything. Also, being a Linux noob, step by step instructions would be awesome. Oo

(as an aside, this is not a problem on XBMC for windows that I also have installed on yet another PC)
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you mean, but you no longer need to Add the source for plugins. Just download and unzip the plugin and place it into your plugins/video folder.

The first page of the iPlayer thread has good installation instructions with a link to explain for all different platforms.
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goto scripts and the SVN installer. You should be able to add plugins through this interface,

Alternativly you can download them from the links you'll fin in the forum and place them in the plugins folder in the userdata folder on the usb drive
I'm seeing a similar issue. I've just installed XBMC_for_Windows-9.04.1-repack2.exe on a Windows XP SP3 with "portable" settings and the SVN Repo script doesn't seem to be working at all. I've tried to install the youtube plugin manually (unpacked in q://plugins/video) and that doesn't seem to work either. Any ideas?
i have the same problem!!! :-(
put your plugin in this directory

i see now on the top level a button "Video Plugin"...
on a *nix machine that is the user's local plugin directory. I wanted the portable version. I guess i can deal with that for a while, but i still hope we'll find a fix for the portable version.
Ok i just confirmed it. If you install xbmc with the portable settings, plugins will not work if installed under q:\plugins\. If the plugins are installed under %APPDATA%\XBMC\plugins\ they work. SVN Repo installer has to be copied there in order for it to work. Once moved it will install the downloaded plugins to the same location.

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[LIVE] Plugin problem - can't add plugins, as option not in menu0