Help with using set content and scraper
Hello, just a small issue im having.

I have the latest build of xbmc for windows. Im currently using windows xp sp3. Im using MediaStream v1.0 .

I would like to be able to use the built in scraper to use with my movie collection, however after I go to " watch your videos > info list > add source > browse > navigate to where my movies are stored > set content " the settings button is not clickable and I do not see anywhere I can access changes to be able to use the scraper.

Each movie is in it's own folder with it's own name respectively.

This is how the screen looks after selecting where my movies are stored.

You've got two arrows to the right of '<NONE>'... Try 'em out! Wink
Nod Thank you jaybus ! it turns out when I highlighted directly over the arrows nothing happened but when I moved the mouse over <none> it lit up and suddenly all that is glorious opened it's doors for me to proceed. Much appreciated Image
I actually wrote "Try clicking them" at first, but having never navigated using a mouse I wanted to double-check you'd actually be able to click it... I couldn't either, hence the edit.

I'd recommend using a remote/keyboard/joystick for the best XBMC experience.
lol, I will take that into account. Mediastream's interface looks great.
I didn't know organization could feel so good !

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Help with using set content and scraper0