Native XBMC RSS feed for new shows and movies
Thanks kizer it work great now, Copied you code and everything started working. Thanks again to everyone for this feature and all your help.
Thanks for the info kizer. I now have it working on my xbox after making sure I had webserver enabled and the port set to 80 like in the files.

I'm not sure exactly why I wasn't able to do it before, but I think it had something to do with how I was saving it.

I initially tried with Editpad Lite and there were conversion errors. I tried again using PSPad as my text editor and when I uploaded the file, it worked.

If you experience just the title of the asp file scrolling, try another text editor or make sure you're saving it as a utf-8. The files posted work perfectly for the xbox as long as your port is set to 80.
When posting about a problem please submit a debug log to give you the best chance at getting an answer. It's easy, painless, and helps provide necessary information.
sorry, I am running xbmc on my winxp laptop.
i tried creating rss file and .asp file
but i cant see any rss feed in xbmc
can someone help me to set this up?
HackerHelpDesk Wrote:Not sure how to run sqlite3Explorer on the xbox.

I know you got this sorted now, but just for future reference sqlite3explorer is run on the PC. You just need to copy your "\UserData\Database\MyVideos34.db" file from xbmc to your pc & point sqlite3explorer at that & you can run the SQL commands.

bittihuduga Wrote:sorry, I am running xbmc on my winxp laptop.
i tried creating rss file and .asp file
but i cant see any rss feed in xbmc
can someone help me to set this up?
I'm a little confused as to why you've created both an rss & an .asp file.
Copy the code into a new text document. Go to "File" -> "Save As". Select "All files" in the Save as type dropdown & enter the filename as rss.asp
transfer that file to the web folder in xbmc.

You then need to edit the RSSFeeds.xml file in the UserData folder & add the line:
<feed updateinterval="30">http://xbox/rss.asp</feed>
This has to go between the <set id="1"> & </set> tags.
Save the file & restart xbmc.

Fingers X'd
craigey1 Wrote:You then need to edit the RSSFeeds.xml file in the UserData folder & add the line:
<feed updateinterval="30">http://xbox/rss.asp</feed>
This has to go between the <set id="1"> & </set> tags.
Save the file & restart xbmc.

Fingers X'd

Just a small correction - it should be http://localhost/rss.asp not http://xbox...
Glad it helped you guys. Took me a while to figure out what everything was going on too. So I decided why not just share like everybody else does. Wink
I've posted the three files for download. These assume you have the web server in xbmc set to port 80.

Mediafire download
great idea ! thx
Is it possible to get rss with e.g. google news ? or cinema news or something like that?
that would be great too.
You can add any rss feed you want to it...
I am having some weird issues with this.
If I set up the file and access from my PC, I get a valid RSS file:
I can read it in a RSS reader or Firefox browser.

With XBMC, it doesn't appear.. I am using Apple TV are my hardware.

I have used the code above (well modified a bit, but started with the original) and this is the output through a web browser:

<rss version="2.0">
<title>Recently Added TV Shows</title>
<description>Newly added shows</description>

<title>something else</title>
<title>something </title>
<title>something else again</title>
<title>Even more something</title>
<title>Can there be anymore something?</title>
I have even tried to open the file with php on my home server and force content type - but this makes no difference.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance..

jabba_29 Wrote:Any ideas?

Thanks in advance..


Can we see your RssFeeds.xml file?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <!--RSS feeds. To have multiple feeds, just add a feed to the set. You can also have multiple sets.-->
  <!--To use different sets in your skin, each must be called from skin with a unique id.-->
  <set id="1">
    <feed updateinterval="5">http://localhost:8080/rss.asp</feed>
<!-- <feed updateinterval="5"></feed> -->
    <feed updateinterval="30"></feed>
Thanks for the interest. I have tried several methods. localhost is on the XBMC, definitely 8080. Even tried the direct IP - same result.

The commented out feed is a php script that opens the rss.asp with curl.
Again, these work on my PC, but not on my XBMC.
I am using MiniMeedia skin for what it's worth.
jabba_29 Wrote:I have used the code above (well modified a bit, but started with the original)

Can you post your modified code? I had problems on my xbox after modifying the code too much.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>Recently Added TV Shows</title>
<description>Newly added shows</description>

var Response;
var setHeader;
var resetHeader;

setHeader = xbmcAPI("setresponseformat(webheader;false;webfooter;false;opentag;<tag>;closetag;</tag>;openRecord;<item>;closeRecord;</item>;openField;\n;closeField;\n;closefinaltag;false)");
Response  = xbmcAPI("QueryVideoDatabase(SELECT '\n<title>',strTitle,': ', C00,'</title>\n' FROM episodeview ORDER BY idEpisode DESC Limit 6)");
resetHeader = xbmcAPI("SetResponseFormat()");

Obviously, changing the link makes no difference -
and I have taken out <description>
but this displays in readers on my PC no problems.
I had the same issue when I removed the description. I found the description slowed down the script, so removed it & found that although I could still see the feed in IE. The xbox didn't display anything after the Newly added shows.

All I can suggest is adding the description back in & see if that works again. Perhaps you could just add a string such as "a" in the description tags, rather then grabing the data in the DB.

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Native XBMC RSS feed for new shows and movies0