Video quality issue. bad blacks 'build up' then clear.
I'm not sure the best way to describe this, but I am getting an issue with video quality (720/1080p mkvs) where the blacks seem to be ok, then there is a sort of build up of artifacting/blockiness/smoke, then the picture refreshes and all the blacks go back to 'good' again. this cycles round and round with the 'refresh' taking about 5 seconds. it might be happening all the time, but it only seems noticeable when the screen is dark, and there is motion.

its like there is a key frame where the picture is perfect, then some frames where only the really detailed parts of the film are updated and the non detailed parts have a more general update, which causes smearing of large blocks around the dark parts, then we get another keyframe and everything goes ok again, and the build up starts again.

This doesn't happen if I play it with MPC-HC (which uses coreavc and CUDA)

This is using Camelot Beta 1. I'm running Win7 x64. Will update to beta 2, and check. Would posting logs be helpful?
I'm gonna have to second this. Running the latest SVN (i think) on Win 7, OpenGL version. This seems to happen for me with 720p MKV files.

And thanks to the person above for posting a description of this better than I had been able to think to...
bump. still getting this issue with camelot.
Yes, at a minimum post logs with the debug logging on.
That sounds like a bad encode where the deblocking was set to be far too aggressive.
thanks for the replies. sorry I took so long, been busy.

Anyway there is a log:

if I play the file with MPC-HC then I don't see any of this black build up. Anything else I can do, let me know

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Video quality issue. bad blacks 'build up' then clear.0