Movie info in File view mode?

I think this was asked previously, but I'll ask again:

Is there a reason why in File view mode there is no movie info displayed on the left side? (Media stream skin)

It displays cover picture, fan art in background (if available) and no movie info like IMDB rating etc.

Is there a reason for this? Do I really have to be in Library mode to get this? I like File mode as I find it easier to navigate, but having movie information would be really good too.
One more question - is this possible to "hack" particular skin somehow to display movie info?

If I understand correctly in Library mode if there is .nfo file XBMC will read data from it, is there a technical reason why this can't be the same in File View mode?

If in File View mode it is too slow to read while scrolling files, would it be possible to do a classic programming thing with timer, e.g when stopped scrolling after 400ms start loading info etc?

As much as I would love to use Library mode nothing can beat simple folders structure, I guess otherwise Mac and Windows would of replaced folders with Library ages ago Smile
I guess that is why is called file view
You better ask for a new feature
interceptor121 Wrote:I guess that is why is called file view
You better ask for a new feature

Yes, I want File View on steroids Smile

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Movie info in File view mode?0