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[LINUX] HOW-TO launch applications from XBMC Live (e.g. Firefox)
vikjon0 Wrote:Select standalone. Assuming that you were in the home directory when you followed the guide there should be a directory scripts containing the firefox.sh. Select this script.

I did everything with putty. Copy and paste all lines of the guide but can't find firefox.shSad
It doesnt matter if you do it in putty.
If you did
mkdir scripts
without error, then you have a directory named scripts.
If you did sudo nano firefox.sh and saved it, then you have such a file.

Perhaps you log on in putty with another user than you run xbmc with. You need to put the files in the home directory of the user running xbmc and that user have to have permission to run the script.
Ok. Using winscp I've found the script folder and the firefox.sh in it in the root folder.
My problem is that I see only my shared win7 folders while browsing for the script.
How do I enable the option to see local hdd folders ?
Quote:Ok. Using winscp I've found the script folder and the firefox.sh in it in the root folder.
My problem is that I see only my shared win7 folders while browsing for the script.
How do I enable the option to see local hdd folders ?
I guess you are logging on as root. Don't do that.
Yepp that was it. Thx

The Launceher works fine, however my Firefox outputs sound only to the headphone out and not to SPDIF which is what I use in the XBCMlive itself.

I run XBMCLive (xbmcfreaks) from a USB stick.

Here is my .asoundrc
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave {
pcm "both"

pcm.both {
type route
slave {
pcm multi
channels 6
ttable.0.0 1.0
ttable.1.1 1.0
ttable.0.2 1.0
ttable.1.3 1.0
ttable.0.4 1.0
ttable.1.5 1.0

pcm.multi {
type multi
slaves.a {
pcm "tv"
channels 2
slaves.b {
pcm "receiver"
channels 2
slaves.c {
pcm "analog"
channels 2
bindings.0.slave a
bindings.0.channel 0
bindings.1.slave a
bindings.1.channel 1
bindings.2.slave b
bindings.2.channel 0
bindings.3.slave b
bindings.3.channel 1
bindings.4.slave c
bindings.4.channel 0
bindings.5.slave c
bindings.5.channel 1

pcm.tv {
type hw
card 0
device 3
channels 2

pcm.receiver {
type hw
card 0
device 1
channels 2

pcm.analog {
type hw
card 0
device 0
channels 2

Any tips appreciated Nerd
no idea, unless the volumes is different. check alsa mixer and make sure everything is fine. I dont use any .asoundrc and firefox is working fine on spdif.
Thanks, I was gonna try deleting the .asoundrc file to test it like that. However, using aplay -l I found out that the digital output is
card 0, device 1.
So, I simply set the spdif out as default to every pcm. subnode, like this:

pcm.tv {
type hw
card 0
device 1
channels 2

pcm.receiver {
type hw
card 0
device 1
channels 2

pcm.analog {
type hw
card 0
device 1
channels 2

And it helped Smile
Yes, but it seem to defeat the purpose of the file..
You maybe right. I deleted the .asoundrc file alltogether and the sound still works fine. This is the best solution it seems Big Grin

Thanks for the tip!
I got a request Smile

Is it possible to enhance the Firefox launcher script so that it actually kicks off a VNC session with Firefox in it. Then we could connect to that session and have control with any VNC viewer app in a laptop/iPhone etc.

This would eliminate the need to to connect a physical keyboard and mouse to the HTPC to have control over the application.
Quote:Is it possible to enhance the Firefox launcher script so that it actually kicks off a VNC session with Firefox in

xbmc, openbox & firefox are all in the same xsession so I am assuming that if you start a general vnc session and connect to it when firefox is running you will have no problem. If you want start and stop the session automatically just add those lines to the script.
I can't get them to the same session. On the screen I get the Firefox, but when logging on with VNC I get another session with an emtpy desktop.

I tried to make it so that the
- firefox.sh script kicks off the vncsession and firefox and
- in the vnc config (/.vnc/xstartup) I define that fluxbox is to be used.

my firefox.sh script looks like this now:
vnc4server &
killall -9 fluxbox

and the .vnx/xstartup looks like:
# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
# exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
startfluxbox &
yes, but that is the opposite what I said. Start vnc the normal way and connect to the display on the screen. I am guessing display 0. If you don't know how to do that start a thread about vnc (preferably in a vnc forum). I fail to see how the fact that you have firefox on the screen is connected to your problem to connect with vnc.
Yep, will keep looking. Sorry to clutter your nice thread.
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[LINUX] HOW-TO launch applications from XBMC Live (e.g. Firefox)3