xbmc not starting from irexec, fine manually
Hi all,
I've written a little shell script to start xbmc with my remote. When the script is run by irexec (which runs as user "media") I get an error on STDERR saying;
Could not init logging classes. Permission errors on ~/.xbmc?
ERROR: Unable to create application. Exiting
CRITSEC[0x8b38124]: Trying to enter destroyed section.
CRITSEC[0x8b38124]: Trying to leave destroyed section.

My shell script is really simple, it essentially just runs the following:
export DISPLAY=':0'
echo "Startup XBMC: " `whoami` `date`  >> /tmp/XBMC.log
  /usr/bin/xbmc -fs >>/tmp/XBMC.log 2>&1 &

When I manually start the same script that irexec calls, as the "media" user it works just fine... I'm stumped, does anyone have an idea what I could be missing?


p.s. Running svn:28256, but i doubt xbmc is to blame here...
Just a quick update, perhaps it'll help someone someday.

Apparently starting irexec as my media user through sudo (from rc.local) wasn't good enough. 'ps' showed it running as the correct user, but when starting irexec as the actual media user things suddenly worked.

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xbmc not starting from irexec, fine manually0