Windows 7 x XBMC + Asrock 330ht + Harmony one problem
I have a Asrock 330ht with Windows 7 and the latest XBMC installed. I'm using a Harmony One to controle the hole thing. My Harmoney One software is set up with 2 mediacenter components (asrock and mediacenter extender). I have mix those to together to get the boot on usb.

Everything is working perfectly except one super annoying thing. When my Asrock comes out of sleep my XBMC freezes. Windows is working ok but i cant do jackshit in xbmc.

Can some one help me with a solution to my problem. I have been searching like crazy on the net, but cant find a solution.

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Windows 7 x XBMC + Asrock 330ht + Harmony one problem0