torrent + rss + live ?= possible?
Capt.Insano Wrote:Just thought I'd chime in:

I've been using Deluge on my system up till now because of its decent WebUI. I was however getting really annoyed by the lack of a proper RSS solution so I was looking into rTorrent with a ruTorrent WebUI setup when I found this guide from the ruTorrent Forums and I thought I should share it!!

Here It Is!!!

I know not all of the post may be applicable but it has a BRILL guide for set-up of rTorrent/ruTorrent with RSS!!

The Capt'
I'm using Deluge 1.3.0 + Flexget. What are the main advantages of r(u)torrent above the setup i have now? Maybe you can tell me as you have used both?

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torrent + rss + live ?= possible?0