Xbox 360 + Asrock 330HT question
Hi there,

I'm thinking of buying a Xbox 360 remote controller, this one. Right now I have 3 remotes around in my bedroom (where I have the htpc): TV, Asrock and stereo.

The stereo remote doesn't bother me too much, and eventually I'll replace that with some good quality PC speakers.

What I'd like is to use that xbox remote to control the TV and the Asrock, which I think would be possible. I've looked into the microsoft site and there are lots of codes for samsung TV's, so that should be fine. What about the asrock? Should the integrated ir sensor be compatible with the xbox 360 remote?

I've done some search about the xbox 360 remote and it seems it's working fine with xbmc after some fiddling with lirc and so on.. I guess it's not recognised as a standard mce remote. Also it seems good quality. Any owners/users want to share info?

I also have a Xbox 360 in the room. At first, the asrock remote turned it on /off and so on. I've now disabled that feature, so the Asrock remote only controls the asrock machine. If I happen to buy the xbox remote, will it also control the xbox or willl it be ignored like the asrock now?

And last, but not least, if you happen to have a remote that controls both the TV and xbmc and should be compatible with the asrock 330ht... ideas and suggestions are welcome. Just keep in mind I'm not really into buying 100€ remotes Smile

Thanks! Laugh
You are running down a path of hurt trying to get a 360 remote to do everything.

What you are trying to do is WHY they invented Logitech Harmonys. Sure it sucks they cost twice as much as any other remote, but they are worth way more than any other remote for how easily they work with all devices. You would have to pry mine from my wife's cold dead hands to get it- that is how awesome they are.

Here is the cheapest model:

Seriously, leave the 360 remote idea behind and get a real universal remote. A future version of you that has an easier life will thank you because of it....
what about the IR receiver? Should that be a problem? Will it work?

Actually, the one you pointed me to, costs less than the xbox 360 one.. 30€ against 50€, so that would be perfect.
Just wanted to say: Thanks poofy!

I finally got the Logitech remote and it works wonders! I've just adjusted some keys from the logitech software and now everything is perfect. I'm controlling my stereo, my tv and the Asrock Ion 330ht with the Harmony!

All works smooth, and setup has been very easy.. and the remote is even cheap. So nice.
You are welcome. That is what I am here for!


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