ASUS AT3N7A-I & 10.x lIve CD's - NIC Error

I'm trying to upgrade my XBMC to the 10.x Beta and have tried both the recent Beta release as well as all the Live CD's XBMCFREAK has released on his site.
I can't get LAN connectivity on either one of the CD's either if I install to HDD or boot right off the CD (tired both burning the CD to media and using USB Key)..
On the same Motherboard, I'm able to get any off the Karmic 9.x CD's to boot and connect to the network

I can confirm the eht0 interface is enabled and I see the mac address for the adapter.

Appreciate any assistance anyone can provide as I'm not comfortable with the Linux side of things and don't want to go back to running Windows on this PC..

HDMI and sound works fine

My Config
ASUS AT3N7A-I motherboard
120GB SATA 2.5 HDD
4GB Memory

Hi there,

Your problem is strange. I'm also running on a AT3N7A-I motherboard. I've connected it to a WRT54GL Linksys wireless router than in turn run's in bridge mode to yet another WRT54GL 10m away that's connected to my home network. I use this for streaming data from my Ubuntu server.

Your problem might be related to the fact that the ASUS board has a gigabit LAN card. Are you connecting it to a gigabit switch or a 100mbit switch ?

So sorry, no solution, but it might get you on the right track.

Thanks for the reply.

I do have Gig Switches around the house and even tried pluging the PC direct into the Router (100MB), same results, no IP address..
Even tried 3 different routers (Verizon Actiontec, WRT-54GS and a DD-WRT based 320N)

Really lost
Hi batrad,

do you find a solution for your problem?
I have the same problem with my AT3N7A-I.
I have 3 Gigabit switches here. One D-LINK DGS-1005D/E, one noname and a Fritzbox 6360. Only when i connect the Nic to the Fritzbox, i have a connection but only 100MBit instead of 1000MBits.

My Config
ASUS AT3N7A-I motherboard
1,5TB SATA 3.5 HDD
4GB Memory
Windows 7 Home Premium

Still stuck on v14 of the 9.x Live CD's for now from xbmcfreak's website.. did do an upgrade to the XBMC SVN builds so now I have the latest code and the latest NVIDIA Drivers

Don't really miss the 10.x Ubuntu build ...

dezember Wrote:Hi batrad,

do you find a solution for your problem?
I have the same problem with my AT3N7A-I.
I have 3 Gigabit switches here. One D-LINK DGS-1005D/E, one noname and a Fritzbox 6360. Only when i connect the Nic to the Fritzbox, i have a connection but only 100MBit instead of 1000MBits.

My Config
ASUS AT3N7A-I motherboard
1,5TB SATA 3.5 HDD
4GB Memory
Windows 7 Home Premium

Hi batrad,

thanks for your reply.

I know this is not the right forum, but this was the only hit on google for my problem.
I use the board for my pc in my livingroom, for music video internet etc. At the moment a windows 7 home premium version runs on it with the newest nvidia and realtek driver. But i still have the problem with the nic.
I'm still unable to get the onboard NIC working in Ubuntu 10.10 using the xbmcfreak Live CD's

Appreciate if anyone can share a workaround

I've had the nic on my AT3N7A-I suddenly stop responding. Been working fine with Minimal 10.04 and XBMC Dharma beta(s) for months. Also working happily with MythTV backend running and accessible via MythWeb.

XBMC itself is working OK, it just can't see any content!

Did an update this weekend and now can't access the network and the box isn't visible/ping-able from other machines. No ssh access, but openning a terminal on the box itself shows that the correct IP Address/Gateway/BCast address is set.

Checked the cables, router and video source, all OK.

Rear link light is lit (orange) but no activity showing on the speed light.

Now stumped... I'm guessing the issue is hardware, but hoping someone might have some suggestions?

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ASUS AT3N7A-I & 10.x lIve CD's - NIC Error0