LCD + TV dual monitor support with different information
Hi All, Need some help on this, or possibly someone to point me into the right direction.

I have a htc case that has an Imon 7" LCD touch screen. Although I have the latest soundgraph Imon software installed that allows me to display some (not all) XBMC stuff, I would like to bypass this frontview software all together with a more lighter and friendlier and better integration solution.

What I would like??
XBMC with dual screen support

Maybe using the web console interface to operate XBMC via the touch screen.
Also the ability to display thumbnails and equilizer or even a sound visualisation in the second screen when any sound is played regardless of movies or music. Ability to even display pictures whilst watching movie on the main screen. Possible RSS feed from any source..
Duration of song,
Time elapsed
or even Time remaining

Also I have ditched my ipad remote in favour of my tv remote. Just need to get some advice on what maps with what, But i think that's trial and error on my behalf.

I would like someone to point me into the right direction on
a) is it possible and if so where can i find the relevant code to work with.
b) has someone already done something similar. If so, Please point me in the right direction.

I am quite happy to work on this as a dedicated addin if required but enough is enough, Tired of imon and soundgraph.. nothing really works and if it does, it works in weird ways.
I believe, and others can correct my if I'm wrong, but there was a working web interface that was created just for this specific idea. It came out back when Aeon was the 'hot' theme. Basically, it should the current playing media but the idea could certainly be expanded.

A quick question for you: does the touch screen act as a second monitor? If so, you could have the browser of your choice open to fullscreen with the web interface open on it and have XBMC displayed on your TV. Choosing which screen to display XBMC was added back to the Dharma release quite some time ago. Just thinking off the top of my head here.

I can definitely see it being an added benefit for those who want to play their music but don't want to have their TV on all the time. I use the android app for this but it'd be great for when company is over and they want to pick something else to listen to. I hate having to constantly hand over my phone every time someone wants to change the cd.

EDIT: Found something that might be similar to what you're after:

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LCD + TV dual monitor support with different information0