xbmc-pvr channel logo naming

Channels with spaces between the names. Like BBC HD, SVT Väst, "Channel blah blah"... how do i name the channel logo? i have tried many combinations like bbc hd.jpg BBC HD.jpg BBC_HD.jpg bbc_hd.jpg BBC.HD.jpg.. bbc-hd.jpg..

what about channel names that contain special characters like ÅÄÖ"?
Is the logo name case sensitive?

Manually selecting channel logos for each channel works. I have deleted the TV database at many occasion, it is pain to this manually for hundreds of channels.

I hope someone can help Big Grin

xbmc-pvr (32871)
vdr (1.7.15)

The problem is fixed after i switched to Dharma-pvr https://github.com/opdenkamp/xbmc/tree/Dharma-pvr

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