fullscreen v true fullscreen

simple question but ive had hard time finding a definitive answer

a) diff between the two?
b) which is better?

also does sync playback to display do - does it help?
DirectX offers a mode in which the application takes over the screen and has exclusive access to it. This is the "true fullscreen" mode and it's the fastest way to display graphics. However this mode has drawbacks, for example it won't share the display with any other app. If you have a dual screen setup and you have XBMC running in true fullscreen on one of your displays then as soon as you click on an app in the other display XBMC will minimise.

The other option, "fullscreen window" creates a window the same size as the display so it looks as if it's running fullscreen. However this window will share with other apps so on a dual screen setup you can have XBMC running in one display and other apps on the other screen. The fullscreen window is slower at displaying graphics and you may get juddering or tearing depending on the speed of your computer.

Generally you should always use true fullscreen unless there's a good reason (like dual screens) not to.


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