[Windows]Need help to make a script to change display mode (screen)

Can someone give me some info on how to make a script that toggels:
System/system/video output/display mode/Full Screen#1 and Full Screen#2

My reason is, that i need a shortcut on the main menu to easy switch between TV and Projecktor (that have different resolutions)

Any help would be great.
This is exactly what I'm looking to achieve too. See here.

Any help would be hugely appreciated.
This might help... worked for me between 1920x1200 -> 1920x1080

Use the script that kilboy6 pointed to switch displays and launch XBMC

then full screen.

The thing is I can already switch displays no problem using EventGhost.

BUT I can only do so by closing and the relaunching XBMC.

This is obviously irritating if, say I am in the middle of a music playlist.

As mentioned in the OP XBMC can handle the switch very nicely via the change between "Full Screen 1" and "Full Screen 2" in the video output options menu.

However going via the system menu is:
a) cumbersome
b) impossible to achieve without switching on the projector.

Therefore I'm really hoping that it would be possible to have some kind of script or assigned keypress that would effect a simple toggle between the two full screen video output options.

If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be really grateful Smile
Just bumping this as it's been a couple of weeks. Anyone have any ideas how this could be done? Thanks !
I also could totally use this script, for the exact same reason.

Love how xbmc handles multiple screens via the menu settings. Just wish we could toggle these options from our remotes!

then I can have "xbmc on projector" and "xbmc on lcd" activities programmed into the logitech remotes Wink
've been looking for this for some time as well.

Using the http-api one can easily pop up the system-settings screen:
(similar commands are available to python)
Maybe calling
http://xbmc_ip:port/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?co...ck(10016,#)) (where # is the control ID for Display mode) should do the trick.
Then one would only need to catch the yes/no dialog

my 2 cts
Thanks Walinsky - glad to know that this should be theoretically possible, as I hoped.

Here's hoping your 2c provide the key to some kind soul figuring this out altogether!

Thanks! Smile
Just another bump in case anyone kind enough to help sees this Smile

and another....hope nobody minds me bumping this from time time. It seems to me as though there would be no theoretical reason not to let this option be programmable as a remote keypress....but perhaps I'm wrong? Anyone have the scripting knolwedge to shed some light on this?

Thanks Smile
bump away. The more bumps, the more views, the more chance of progress!
Bump again.....

If there's some reason why this is impossible, pleae let me know and I'll stop bumping this Wink

If not, I will continue hoping that some clever person out ther will be able to achieve this potentially really useful feature...Seems like Walinsky's suggestion above gets pretty close... Anyone able to help bring it to fruition?

Thanks so much... Smile
Someone here came up with a solution, http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=101421

It's still a hackjob, but not *nearly* as bad as manhandling the GUI.

It basically involves setting up two different profiles, and using a "light" version of XBMC.LoadProfile() to swap between them without clearing the playlist or stopping playback.

The pull request (here) for the quick profile-loading feature is still outstanding, however, so that would have to be merged first.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth

I saw that solution....seems promising but requires two things:

1.) The pull request being fulfilled - who does that depend upon?
2.) An easy way to switch profiles via a remote keypress - or does this already exist?

In any case thanks so much for the help on this - would dearly love to see a solution. It may be easiest for Windows + EventGhost users like me to get the necessary action added to the XBMC / XBMC2 Eventghost plugin...

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[Windows]Need help to make a script to change display mode (screen)0