Need help with a basic script
Hi All

I have found online a script to create NFO files for msuic video files (as the music video scrapers miss the majority of files).

The script works great, and I want it to set it to run automaticly on a schedule.

The problem is that the first part of the script requires the user to select a source folder (via a popup box). I am trying to change this so that no user input is required, and it uses the current folder (that the script is located in) as the source folder.

I have tried to edit it myself but failing in a bad way!

I am not a scripter. If anybody can help me I would be very gratful. I would think thats its a relative easy fix!

Here is the script

i = 0
f = 0
g = 0
log_name = "music_video_nfo_creator.log"

Set sa = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
set oF = sa.BrowseForFolder(0, "Source Folder:", ssfWINDOWS)
if (not oF is nothing) then
set fi = oF.Items.Item
end if

Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")
Set sourceFolder = filesys.GetFolder(fi.Path) ' The folder containing your Music Videos

set mvidslist = sourceFolder.files
startTime = Timer

For Each mvids in mvidslist
trackName =
exten = right(mvids,4)
if lcase(exten) = ".mp4" or lcase(exten) = ".avi" or lcase(exten) = ".wmv" or lcase(exten) = ".mpg" or lcase(exten) = ".swf" or lcase(exten) = ".m2v" or lcase(exten) = "flv" then

fullfilename = WScript.ScriptFullName
currentFolder = Left(filename, InstrRev(filename, "\"))

Set FSOd = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set logFile = FSOd.OpenTextFile(currentfolder+log_name, 8, True)

on error resume next
seperator = InstrRev(str1,"-") 'count left to the first occurance of "-"
if (seperator >= 1) then 'if the seperator exists split into artist and song
artist = Left(str1,seperator-2) 'seperate artist
songLength= (Len(str1)- seperator) 'work out chr length of song
song = right(str1,songLength) 'seperate song
strArtist = artist
strSong = song
strSong = Replace(strSong,exten,"")
strArtist = trim(strArtist)
strSong = trim(strSong)
noArtist = Len(strArtist) 'if it can't find an artist name, replace with 'Unknown'

if noArtist = "0" then
strArtist = "Unknown"
end if
noSong = Len(strSong) 'if it can't find a song name, replace with 'Unknown'
if noSong = "0" then
strSong = "Unknown"
end if
else 'leave alone
strArtist = "Unknown"
end if

str1 = replace(str1,exten,"")
destfil = sourceFolder+"\"+str1+".nfo"

if filesys.FileExists(destFil) then
logFile.Writeline "INFO:**********************Duplicate Below*************************"
Set fsonfo = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set nfoFile = FSOnfo.OpenTextFile(destfil, 8, True)
nfoFile.Writeline "<musicvideo>"
nfoFile.Writeline "<title>"&strSong&"</title>"
nfoFile.Writeline "<artist>"&strArtist&"</artist>"
nfoFile.Writeline "<album></album>"
nfoFile.Writeline "<genre></genre>"
nfoFile.Writeline "<runtime></runtime>"
nfoFile.Writeline "<plot></plot>"
nfoFile.Writeline "<year></year>"
nfoFile.Writeline "<director></director>"
nfoFile.Writeline "<studio></studio>"
nfoFile.Writeline "</musicvideo>"
set fsonfo = nothing
set nfofile = nothing
end if

timesecs = Timer - startTime
logFile.Writeline trackname & " " & str1 & " " & destfil & " " & g & " " & f & " " & i & " " &timesecs

end if

elapsedTimesecs = Timer - startTime
elapsedtimesecs = CInt(elapsedtimesecs)

if i = "0" then
ermsg="No Music Videos were Found."
erTitle="Files not Found"
MsgBox erMsg, vbOkOnly + vbExclamation, erTitle
end if


do while elapsedtimesecs > 59
elapsedtimesecs = elapsedtimesecs - 60

do while mins > 59
mins = mins - 60

do while hours > 24
hours = hours - 24

timetaken = f & " Music Videos Nfo files created in "
if days > 1 then
timetaken = timetaken & days & " Days & "
end if
if days = 1 then
timetaken = timetaken & days & " Day & "
end if
if hours > 1 then
timetaken = timetaken & hours & " Hours & "
end if
if days <> 1 and hours = 1 then
timetaken = timetaken & hours & " Hour & "
end if
if mins > 1 then
timetaken = timetaken & mins & " Minutes & "
end if
if hours <> 1 and mins = 1 then
timetaken = timetaken & mins & " Minute & "
end if
if elapsedtimesecs <> 1 then
timetaken = timetaken & elapsedTimesecs & " Seconds"
end if
if elapsedtimesecs = 1 then
timetaken = timetaken & elapsedTimesecs & " Second"
end if

if g = 1 then
timetaken = timetaken & vbcrlf & g & " NFO File already existed & was ignored"
elseif g > 1 then
timetaken = timetaken & vbcrlf & g & " NFO Files already existed & were ignored"
end if

set FSOd = Nothing
set logFile = Nothing


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Need help with a basic script0