Web interface to nicely browse but NOT control XBMC?
Is there a web interface option that allows for remote browsing of the XBMC media libraries (TV, Movies, Music) - that does not allow the person browsing to actually control the machine?

So that you people can browse what you have remotely, but not mess with your playing. And so when I am at work I can check what I have and not accidentally download/buy it again!
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
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Check out the addon share.tv or trakt.tv.
Nvidia Shield with Kodi 18
Hmm they are interesting. Share.tv only does movies so far, but does it quite well - unfortunately it doesn't seem to give quality info etc, which would be useful (e.g. 1080p from bluray or whatever).

Trakt.tv only seems to grab wathced stuff, not the library, and only in library mode and I watch TV jsut using files mode, so that's not that great from my perspective.

It would still be handy if there was a way to use the XBMC box for this directly - meaning no third party servers involved etc.
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
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Web interface to nicely browse but NOT control XBMC?0