[XBMC LIVE] download torrent to NTFS partition
So it goes like this
i used this guide:
and everything is working great, but..
i have another partition that im using for windows (NTFS 2TB)
i want to download my torrents files to that partition but the transmission program says ERROR: Permission denied .
if i save the torrent file on the xbmc partition (ext4) its all good.

im preferring of using utorrent but i could get him to work.

im using the latest XBMC LIVE, installed yesterday Smile
Probably because tranmission dont have write permission to your NTFS partition. The easy way is just to:

sudo chmod 777 /media/pathtoyourNTFSdrive

chmod 777 gives full read/write acces for everybody to that path.
calebdk Wrote:Probably because tranmission dont have write permission to your NTFS partition. The easy way is just to:

sudo chmod 777 /media/pathtoyourNTFSdrive

chmod 777 gives full read/write acces for everybody to that path.

tried it and did work Sad
How are you mounting your ntfs drive? Do you have ntfs-3g installed? Can you post your /etc/fstab?

Note that chmod/chown wont work for ntfs partitions - they only work with linux file systems.
ntfs-3g is installed, and i used this guide
to set automount of the ntfs harddrives

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[XBMC LIVE] download torrent to NTFS partition0