[Live] Can't run XBMC Live from CD or USB stick
Due to hardware failure i've had to replace my motherboard so needed to do a reinstall.

I'm able to boot from a live cd connected via USB (haven't got internal CD drive) but i get:
Error: unknown filesystem
grub rescue>

I've tried the same using a usb stick created with unetbootin and i get the same error.

I'm able to boot the minimal and desktop versions of Ubuntu Maverick from CD.
I tried to install XBMC on top of the minimal install but i can't for the life of me get sleep to work.

Anyone got any ideas why i can't boot XBMC Live but i can boot Ubuntu?


[Edit] Its a gigabyte H55 motherboard (GA-h55n-usb3) with i3 550 cpu[/Edit]
Verify the md5sum of the iso and or reburn the disk.
This might sound dumb but where is the checksum? The download page doesn't seem to have one.

I have re-downloaded Dharma and got the same result.
I also tried downloading Camelot with exactly the same result also Sad

The same live CD works fine in my laptop.
So its either got to be something to do with my bios or some incompatibility between my hardware and the live CD.

Anyone got any other suggestions please??

Most likely it's due to the fact that initrd is not loading USB storage modules, as well as some others, for the kernel, thus grub doesn't fully recognize the USB connected drive. I've got much the same problem with my setup i.e. no internal optical drive only a USB connected blu ray drive.

The only way I could get around it was to create a bootable USB drive via unetbootin or something similar and install that way.
thanks pumkinut. That makes sense.

So is it the job of the live CD to load these modules for the USB CD drive? I installed XBMC live on my last computer with the same drive, so i would've thought it should work.

I've tried a unetbootin usb stick but had no luck.


In case anyone else has trouble with similar hardware here is what i had to do:

I couldn't get the live cd to boot for love nor money using my usb dvd drive (which i've used before to install xbmc live).
The disk wasn't the issue.

I used the disk to boot into xbmc live on my laptop. I then used the new bootable usb wizard to format a usb flash memory stick with the xbmc live image.

Put this in my i3/h55 machine and hit F12 to bring up the boot menu. Selected USB HDD and to my amazement it booted with no probs whatsoever.

Creating the USB stick with unetbootin and the xbmc live iso did not work!

I had almost given up and installed Windows! Phew!

Thanks everyone

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[Live] Can't run XBMC Live from CD or USB stick0