Tivox not working anymore!?
i used to run tivox script in a september 04 release of xbmc for a long time without issue. in november i decided to upgrade xbmc, but tivox stopped working.
i could talk to the tivo, and get the now showing list. when i tried ot play a file, it would pause for a moment, and then return to the "now showing" screen.
now on the 1-18-05 cvs, it wont even talk to the tivo. it just hangs.

anyone have any ideas? is the script in need of an update to work with newer versions of xbmc?

i am running the correct ccxstream and other utils on the tivo (nothing has changed). and if i revert back the xbmc to 9-04-04 it works fine.

help please!!!!

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Tivox not working anymore!?0