Like "TV Rename" but with multi-episode support
I like "TV Rename" a lot for renaming TV show files and downloading tbns and nfos. However, it doesn't have multi-episode support (sNNeNN-eNN) and it looks like it has been a highly requested feature for the past 2 years. Is there another renamer/downloader that can handle multi-episode?
if you are talking about then definitely supports multi episode. expand show, right click on season, then edit. then choose merge episodes. you can also place in custom names.
Yeah...I use TV Rename as well. It most definately supports multi-episode files. It takes a few extra steps, but it works good.
I guess I am discouraged by the extra steps. When you've moved in a dozen multi-episode files, this isn't much better than using the command line to reorganize them.
It's not that hard to use TV Rename for multiple episodes. I did 5 seasons of double episodes in about 5 minutes. It goes really quick once you get used to the steps.
IT actually doesnt really need extra steps, was passing quite a few multi-episode files that had the & in them (i.e. s01e01&02), all I had to do for the therenamer to recognize it, was to pass it through Bulk Rename Utility, and just Find & and replace with -.

After that therenamer did the rest

I think that you are talking about a different program. There is TheRenamer (what you are talking about) and TVRenamer (what the op is talking about).


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Like "TV Rename" but with multi-episode support0