python-addon for Spotify

I have been trying to create a Python-addon for spotify, but I'm having some issues I would like some help with.

My approach is to stream Spotify music from the library examples through a web server. Then the addon just reads the stream from the local web server.

What I have done is to hack the two examples, making one of them give the top list as text and the other one the stream itself.
Then a simple php script runs the applications using passthru.

The addon can then run the applications through the web-server, and is able to browse the top list and play music from this.

I see this approach is not ideal, but it's the best I can come up with. The main issue is stability, and I hope someone can help me with improving this.

You can download the code from and test for yourself. Instuctions is found in the README.

Any help?

This guy has got (pretty much) working plugin for Plex.

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