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[WIP] MLB.TV Boxee App port (developers needed!)
divingmule Wrote:Yeah, from what bartsidee posted earlier, under the 'class Listmc'. I'm guessing something like this.

divingmule, have you gotten this to work?
Hi, I just installed the plugin ,was under the impression that I would haft to have a MLB account. Looks like I had some tabs mixed with spaces in setContentUrl. Fixed that and added the import beautifulsoup. The plugin starts but the buttons don't seem to work. From my log:
15:09:34 T:3556 M:2629337088   ERROR: ADDON::CSkinInfo::TranslateResolution invalid resolution specified for
15:09:34 T:3464 M:2629066752 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: Window_Fade_Animation
15:15:09 T:3464 M:2605064192 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
15:15:09 T:3464 M:2605064192 WARNING: XFILE::CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 0
15:15:09 T:3556 M:2604826624   ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.AttributeError
15:15:09 T:3556 M:2604826624   ERROR: Error Contents: onFocus
15:15:09 T:3556 M:2604826624   ERROR: AttributeError: onFocus

Here is the fixed mc.py - http://ubuntuone.com/p/jIk/
It would be fantastic to get this for the upcoming season!
Please keep this alive. I've been waiting for a working MLB.tv plugin for my XBMC XBox. I have no experience developing for XBMC though.
Updated the repo with the new mc.py from divingmule. I'm not sure whether the update is supposed to be noticeable, but there it is.

Divingmule, you'll probably need an MLB.TV account once we start working on the actual streams, but I don't think you need one for basic functionality of the schedule, calendar, and standings.

Does your mc.py get content to load for you?
theophile Wrote:Does your mc.py get content to load for you?

When I start the add-on it loads the main screen, like your first screen shot. I can highlight the buttons, calendar, settings.... but nothing when I try to select them.

From the log:
NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
ERROR: ADDON::CSkinInfo::TranslateResolution invalid resolution specified for
WARNING: Skin has invalid include: Window_Fade_Animation
divingmule Wrote:When I start the add-on it loads the main screen, like your first screen shot. I can highlight the buttons, calendar, settings.... but nothing when I try to select them.

From the log:
NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
ERROR: ADDON::CSkinInfo::TranslateResolution invalid resolution specified for
WARNING: Skin has invalid include: Window_Fade_Animation

That's odd. The calendar and standings buttons work for me (though settings doesn't). I get the same errors.
Well, it's opening day. I'll be watching, and peaking back in here every now and then in the next few weeks hoping you lads have figured it out, it would be great to have a stream in xbmc. Good luck!
I wish I could do more. Sadly, I'm not a coder. But I believe we have the people who can figure this out!
I'm excited to see the end result of this. Would be amazing to have live sports in my XBMC. In my three years without cable, this is the one thing I've been missing.
luger Wrote:I'm excited to see the end result of this. Would be amazing to have live sports in my XBMC. In my three years without cable, this is the one thing I've been missing.
In the same boat as it's by far the only thing I've been missing from the cable overlord as well. Smile
theophile Wrote:I wish I could do more. Sadly, I'm not a coder. But I believe we have the people who can figure this out!

Hope so, we just need to bribe the right people away from other projects Wink
I had another look at the mlb.py code and got some more working. For the retrieval of the url I did a rewrite of my own, still unfinished and untested.

def SetContentURL(self, url):
        try: from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup
        except: print 'Please add BeautifulSoup.py to the lib directory'
        data = http.Get(url)
        print data
        soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.XML_ENTITIES)

        channels = {}
        channel_headers = ['title', 'link', 'description', 'image', 'language', 'boxee:expiry']
        for header in channel_headers:
                channels[header] = locals()['soup.channel.'+header+'.string']()
            except: pass

        items = []
        item_headers_main = ['title', 'link', 'guid', 'description', 'language']
        item_headers_boxee = {'boxee:property':'.string' , 'boxee:media-type':'["type"]', 'boxee:release-date':'.string'}
        item_headers_media = {'media:content':'["url"]', 'media:copyright':'.string', 'media:rights': '["status"]', 'media:credit':'.string', 'media:rating':'.string','media:restriction':'.string','media:price':'["price"]','media:subtitle':'["href"]','media:thumbnail':'["url"]'}
        for item in soup.findAll( 'item' ):
            data = {}
            for header in item_headers_main:
                    data[header] = locals()['item.'+header+'.string']()
                except: pass

            for header in item_headers_boxee.keys():
                    data[header] = locals()['item.find("'+header+'")[0]'+item_headers_boxee[header]]
                except: pass

            for header in item_headers_media.keys():
                    data[header] = locals()['item.find("'+header+'")[0]'+item_headers_media[header]]
                except: pass

        print items

The problem is not the calendar, but the main view where episodes are loaded. To get the correct url, boxee is using authentication based on the username and password of the boxee user. The user has to link his account to mlb on the boxee webste. So far so good, this could all be working from within xbmc.

The problem arises on 2 points:
1. boxee normally tracks the users activities with the app, but it is now disabled. So in theory they can detect that you are using the app on a different platform, collecting the feeds requires you to log it with your username, but they do not have logs of app activities in their db.

2. I got a email last night form boxee that they are going to charge for the mbl broadcast a fixed fee per month. This will likely make them very pissed if someone would hack their app. Also it is likely that they even increase security around the streams.

Quote:It's opening day for Major League Baseball® fans around the globe and on Boxee.

Watch every regular season out-of-market game LIVE or on-demand in HD quality on Boxee's MLB.TV app®*. Sign up now for either MLB.TV Premium at $119.99 a year and $24.99 a month, or MLB.TV at $99.99 and $19.99. For fans on the fence about purchasing a subscription, you can access a free game of the day with your MLB.com account through the month of April to help knock it out of the park.

With a full subscription to MLB.TV you'll get access to live games* on Boxee as well as your computer... all in stunning HD quality with highlights, stats, archives, and many more add-ons for an incredible experience. In addition, the Boxee App gives MLB fans access to a complete schedule of games as well as league standings for each division.

To start enjoying MLB.TV, please sign up for an account, then pair your MLB.com account with Boxee.

To everyone who's lucky enough to be attending a game today, have a hot dog for us. We'll be cheering from our desk chairs Smile

- Team Boxee

Isn't the plan to bypass boxee entirely and just port their app to xbmc, thus removing all boxee's tracking logs?
Yes most of the tracking is already removed, but the tracking is more related to which button you press and which window you open. Boxee is smart enough to add authentication to the most important feeds. You can only retrieve them when you include you username and password as parameter.
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[WIP] MLB.TV Boxee App port (developers needed!)3