Question about multi image home item backgrounds
I was just wondering how everyone was going about doing their multi image backgrounds. I understand how to select the folder with the images that I want, but it doesn't seem to look into subfolders as well. Let's say that I wanted the background to cycle between the fanart of the movies in my library. If I select my movie drive as the source for the background images, I get nothing because each movie is located in its own folder. What is the best way to go about getting it to find the fanart for all of my movies and have it automatically incorporate new images and I obtain more movies?
The multiimage control doesn't look at subfolders so there's nothing I can do with the skin to change that.
I just made a new 'backdrops' folder then had 'tv shows' and 'film' within that.

I then went on a load of fanart websites and downloaded a load for my fav films/tv shows and put them in the new relevant folder. I guess you could also ssh or whatever onto where your files are and do a cp VIDEOS/FILM/*/*.jp .

which will copy all the jpg files in your subfolders into the current folder you are in.

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