[AppleTV2] Video Server Controlling ATV2 Streaming Content
I want to use ATV2s to drive information kiosks so I'm looking for the ability to control the content being played on the ATV2/XBMC.

So basically controlling ATV2's being delivered streaming content from a video server head-end, such Window7's 'Play To', that would require no user control or intervention on the ATV2 once XBMC is running.

Does such XBMC functionality exist allowing the client to be controlled by the server?
There is an option to control XBMC remotely under settings but part of it is deprecated according to this.

I have no experience with this function.

Can you do what you are trying to do with simple playlists?
Thanks, using the JSON-RPC interface might just do the trick. I'll take a look.
Or you can try the built in ATV Airplay feature and the airflick app from Erica Sadun to send video to the Apple TV built into the kiosk.

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[AppleTV2] Video Server Controlling ATV2 Streaming Content0