How to compile for non-jailbroken ipad?

I'm having some trouble compiling xbmc for my ipad 2 that's not jailbroken.
Works great if I start from xcode. But if I launch the app without it attached to xcode it crashes immediately.

What could be the problem?

As far as I am aware, it isn't possible to run XBMC on a non-jailbroken device.
lukenukem Wrote:As far as I am aware, it isn't possible to run XBMC on a non-jailbroken device.

Do you know if theres any technical limit why?
because with non jailbrocken ios, you can't install unsigned code.
ppic Wrote:because with non jailbrocken ios, you can't install unsigned code.

Yes, I know that. But I'm compiling xbmc from source!

And I'm a paying apple iphone developer and can sign code for my devices.

HW decoder(vtb) doesnt work from a sandbox, you need to install it on a JB device to get the HD to work
amet Wrote:HW decoder(vtb) doesnt work from a sandbox, you need to install it on a JB device to get the HD to work

Thanks! Time to try to jailbreak then.
An update to that regarding the iPad2: it is possible to build and run XBMC on an non-jailbroken iPad2 using a valid Apple Dev Certificate.
It only works when started from Xcode (it crashes on open from home screen), but its still nice to check it out.

One has to do 3 little changes in order to compile, so I'll just post them here for reference:
1. open Project > Edit Project Settings. In the "build" tab, search for "do not sign" and change to your dev certificate
2. open Project > Edit Active Target "XBMC". do the same as in 1.
3. in the "Groups & Files" Panel, click on the triangle left to "Targets", then "XBMC". doubleclick the build phase "codesign" to edit. comment out all lines by putting a "#" at the beginning of each line. if you do not to this, your build will fail.

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How to compile for non-jailbroken ipad?0