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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - Printable Version

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RCB Skinner - Domina - 2011-12-19

Hi Malte, I started playing a little skinner with xbmc and I'm creating a personal use skin based on wmc / myMovies and also started playing with rcb.
Although this skin will take many months to be ready because I'm still learning the ropes for skinner.
"MarcosQui Thanks for giving me some tips from skinner!"

I started to get some ideas here that maybe could stay cool in rcb as support team members to display the game (this information can be obtained from MobyGames)

example below

in games (page info)

in filmes (page info)

Another thing, I would wanted to ask is possible make a link as an option to go for an album or artist in the gallery of music? (it would be cool to hear the (original sound track) OST, without having to leave rcb.)

in games (page info)

in films (page info)

the idea was to leave the galleries with a similar visual!


Noob question - MrSpock - 2011-12-19

Forgive me the noob qeustions please Rolleyes

I'm just starting with the emulators
I'm a old geezer who just want to take a walk along my playing day's memory lane (and also make his little daughter a adict Big Grin)
Firts qeustion what are the best emulators to start with (to use with RCB)
if any one know any good site's where to get them thx

I treid the Mame emulator from the official webpage but it let my comp reboot
Running windows XP sp3

Any help would really be apriciated

- st graveyard - 2011-12-19

MrSpock Wrote:(and also make his little daughter a adict Big Grin)

I know that feeling ;-)

MrSpock Wrote:Firts qeustion what are the best emulators to start with (to use with RCB)
if any one know any good site's where to get them thx

I treid the Mame emulator from the official webpage but it let my comp reboot
Running windows XP sp3

Any help would really be apriciated

Check out the ALA wiki : http://www.gwenael.org/xbmc/index.php?title=Main_Page. It has some good info on emu's/systems ... just click the systems on the page...


- Tomkun - 2011-12-20

Hey Malte,

I figured out the artwork issue, it was because the SVN Night skin also had RCB files in it, which I assume conflict with the ones from the script. I deleted them from the Night folder and the artwork all seems to show up.

However, I still can't get videos to show up...

- malte - 2011-12-20

Domina Wrote:I started to get some ideas here that maybe could stay cool in rcb as support team members to display the game (this information can be obtained from MobyGames)
I thought about this, too. But this needs some more changes in RCB first before I can start working on this. But if you need some more months to be ready we maybe finish at the same time...

Tomkun Wrote:However, I still can't get videos to show up...
For me it works with Night on Dharma and Eden. I just have to set imageplacing option to "One big" and check "Autoplay video (Main window)". Make sure you do this for the correct Rom Collection. I often run into making changes for one RC but testing with another (might be worth to think about changing this).

Do the videos show up in other skins? Maybe there was something wrong with the import?

- Domina - 2011-12-20

ok no problem, it may take several months to implement it in rcb, because now I'll take vacation in work, I will dedicate myself to doing only the skin, after I already have the experience to I go to the RCB!


- Tomkun - 2011-12-20

malte Wrote:Do the videos show up in other skins? Maybe there was something wrong with the import?

I'll have a check later on. In the meantime, can I just clarify that I no longer need to refer to the video files in the layout part of config.xml?

- malte - 2011-12-21

Tomkun Wrote:In the meantime, can I just clarify that I no longer need to refer to the video files in the layout part of config.xml?
Yes, thats correct. As a reference you can check the template config.xml "RCB addon dir\resources\database\config_template.xml". This is the file that RCB uses to create new config.xmls with the wizard.

- Tomkun - 2011-12-21

I also tried the confluence skin to no avail.
I had a check in the log and noticed some errors:
Quote:16:20:47 T:4888 WARNING: Trying to add unsupported control type 1
16:20:47 T:4888 ERROR: Control 500 in window 13000 has been asked to focus, but it can't
Quote:16:20:50 T:5316 ERROR: C:\XBMC\portable_data\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\dialoggameinfo.py:31: DeprecationWarning: object.__init__() takes no parameters
xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
Quote:16:20:52 T:4888 ERROR: CLocalizeStrings::ClearBlock: Trying to clear non existent block C:\XBMC\portable_data\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser

- malte - 2011-12-21

Not at home atm but I think I know the same errors from my log, too. Did not find out how to get rid of them. Could you please pastebin a complete log file?

Did you try this with a fresh DB? Maybe there was something wrong with one of the imports with previous versions.

- malte - 2011-12-21

New versions just hit the official XBMC repo.

Dharma: 0.9.7
Eden (pre): 1.0.0

Don't be confused because of the version bump in Eden. It is exactly the same release. Just reuired to bump the version for Eden repo.

- altoiddealer - 2011-12-22

With the new release, launching emulators in Solo Mode suddenly does not work.

I am running Ubuntu 11.04, and I had previously used a suggested workaround to get Solo Mode to work (I forget what it was... I think it was a script called "Launch" or something)

Please advise, thanks!

- malte - 2011-12-22

Still works for me on windows. I did not change anything to this part of the code in the previous releases.

Maybe you made some changes to the applaunch.sh that have been overwritten with the new release? Check if there have been changes to the file itself or if you have to set the execute permissions again.

- Tomkun - 2011-12-22


After deleting and then recreating the database, I have finally got videos to work in the main view, but still not in the info panel view.

Then I noticed, no matter which skin I use they are still using the same Confluence info panel. I don't know if this is a bug or design so I thought I'd flag it up.

I suspect that whatever info panel they are using it is from an old version that doesn't support the new video method. I just don't know where it might be coming from.

I removed all rcb skins from the night folder already, so I don't think it's in there unless it has a weird name that I didn't notice.

Am I on the right track?

I just had a closer look at the source on googlecode and there are not any contextmenu or gameinfo files in there. There are some in the night folder, but they are very old. Which should I be using?

- malte - 2011-12-22

Tomkun Wrote:After deleting and then recreating the database, I have finally got videos to work in the main view, but still not in the info panel view.
Noticed this here, too. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Still not sure why. It works if you move up or down after launching the info window. But this should just be a temporary solution.

Tomkun Wrote:Then I noticed, no matter which skin I use they are still using the same Confluence info panel. I don't know if this is a bug or design so I thought I'd flag it up.
Atm this is by design. Its on my list to create skin specific info views.

Tomkun Wrote:I just had a closer look at the source on googlecode and there are not any contextmenu or gameinfo files in there. There are some in the night folder, but they are very old. Which should I be using?
Atm only the main window is available in a skin specific version. All other dialogs are used from the Confluence skin. As I am still developing and changing a lot it will be too much work for me to change all skin files with every update. Maybe I will add these when RCB is more settled. As said above the Info view should be added sooner.