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.ifo (DVD-Video) unplayable from LanDrive SMB NAS box - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: .ifo (DVD-Video) unplayable from LanDrive SMB NAS box (/showthread.php?tid=21317)

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- river kwai - 2006-07-12

can anyone post a debug log of a successfuly playing of a video_ts.ifo file from a shared drive through samba?

this is because i just try playing a dvd directly from the dvd tray and it played perfectly. however, i still find warnings in the debug log file

and here is a portion of the debug log:

libdvdnav: dvd title (alternative):
05:59:54 m: 33980416 debug: msg: t
05:59:54 m: 33980416 debug: msg: a
05:59:54 m: 33980416 debug: msg: r
05:59:54 m: 33980416 debug: msg: z
05:59:54 m: 33980416 debug: msg: a
05:59:54 m: 33980416 debug: msg: n
05:59:54 m: 33980416 debug: msg: _
05:59:54 m: 33980416 debug: msg: a
05:59:54 m: 33980416 debug: msg: s
05:59:54 m: 33980416 debug: msg:
05:59:54 m: 33980416 warning: unable to remove tracked file from tracker
05:59:54 m: 33980416 info: msg: libdvdnav: unable to find map file 'q:\dvdplayer/.dvdnav/tarzan_as.map'
05:59:54 m: 33964032 info: msg: libdvdnav: dvd disk reports itself with region mask 0x00c00000. regions:
05:59:54 m: 33964032 info: msg: 1
05:59:54 m: 33964032 info: msg: 2
05:59:54 m: 33964032 info: msg: 3
05:59:54 m: 33964032 info: msg: 4
05:59:54 m: 33964032 info: msg: 5
05:59:54 m: 33964032 info: msg: 6
05:59:54 m: 33964032 debug: msg:
05:59:54 m: 33964032 notice: dvdplayer: playing a dvd with menu's

i still receive the same warning about unable to remive tracked file and unable find map file but the dvd played perfectly with menu and everything!

i have downloaded the 2006-07-09 cvs and will install it tonight, but the dvdplayer section of coding appeared the same for both cvs.

- river kwai - 2006-07-13

I can confirm that I still can't play the video_ts.ifo file with the CVS 2006-07-09 T3CH build.

- elupus - 2006-07-13

05:54:50 m: 38064128 debug: libdvdnav: can't read name block. probably not a dvd-rom device.

those map stuff is just warning.

i'd say the dvd image is broken. does it work if you copy it local?

able to play ifo on local drive but not samba drive - river kwai - 2006-07-14

I have copied the video_ts folder over from the shared drive to xbox's local drive and the dvd played perfectly. So it's not a broken dvd image after all. Can anyone look at the log file (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/download.php?group_id=87054&atid=581838&file_id=184642&aid=1521032) and suggest any reasons for dvdplayer of XBMC not able to open the ifo file on the samba drive but able to open the same ifo file on the local drive. This is really puzzling me, I can still play individual vob files from the samba drive (so it shouldn't be a samba sharing problem, or should it?)

Please help.

elupus Wrote:does it work if you copy it local?
The answer is yes, but what should I try next... can you suggest anything?

- elupus - 2006-07-14

i'm thinking permission errors on the samba drive. check every file of the dvd and make sure the filepermissions are correct (this is different from the share permissions)

- river kwai - 2006-07-14

elupus Wrote:i'm thinking permission errors on the samba drive. check every file of the dvd and make sure the filepermissions are correct (this is different from the share permissions)

What are file permissions? Are you talking about the file attributes? ie read-only, hidden or archive?

I don't understand why the ifo files while inaccessible while if I click on the vob files in the same samba directory, it's accessible and played!

- river kwai - 2006-07-19

elupus Wrote:i'm thinking permission errors on the samba drive. check every file of the dvd and make sure the filepermissions are correct (this is different from the share permissions)

My files are stored on my LANDRRIVE NAS
(http://www.usbex.com/landrive/). I have used the LANDRIVE
GUI interface to setup SMB. I have made a new shared
directory and copied files to it and XBMC is still not
able to play the files on my NAS. Anyone knows how to set
the file permissions on a NAS (in particular the LANDRIVE

IFO files on LanDrive NAS unplayable (DVD-Video .ifo files) - river kwai - 2006-08-01

I have ripped a DVD using dvd decriptor into my landrive NAS (http://www.usbex.com/landrive/). I then use XBMC to browse to the directory and click on the the file video_ts.ifo but nothing happens.The ifo file in a VIDEO_TS folder work perfectly when copied to xbox hard drive.

I have been told that it's to do with file permissions. I have used the LANDRIVE GUI interface to setup SMB. I have made a new shared directory and copied files to it and XBMC is still not able to play the files on my NAS. Anyone knows how to set the file permissions on a NAS (in particular the LANDRIVE NAS)?

However, if I make an ISO image of the DVD and copy it to my NAS and share it using SMB, the file played correctly. It's only the IFO files that seem to have this file permission problem?

- MidKnight - 2006-08-01

what firmware are you using

- river kwai - 2006-08-01

My firmware version is NAS-BASIC41, LOADER067.

- MidKnight - 2006-08-01

ill rip a dvd and try it, ill let you know soon what happens

- MidKnight - 2006-08-01

wont work, but its not the landrive, i tried it from a PC on the network

- river kwai - 2006-08-01

MidKnight Wrote:wont work, but its not the landrive, i tried it from a PC on the network

Perhaps you can try copying the files to a fresh new directory, and re-do the SAMBA sharing procedure on the new directory and see whether XBMC will play it.

I know for sure that copying it local to XBOX HDD will have no problems.

- MidKnight - 2006-08-02

mine wont play from the local hdd on the xbox either

- river kwai - 2006-08-02

MidKnight Wrote:mine wont play from the local hdd on the xbox either

Can you play the DVD files using your PC, for example PowerDVD or WinDVD? Could be a broken DVD files.