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ClearLOGO - Transparent TV Show Logos (Clear Logo) Concept Thread - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: ClearLOGO - Transparent TV Show Logos (Clear Logo) Concept Thread (/showthread.php?tid=71954)

- Sranshaft - 2010-06-29


- Pr.Sinister - 2010-06-29

Broken Link :


- Sranshaft - 2010-06-29

It would probably help Kode narrow down the problem if you give him some more details; ie: what you were trying to do at the time the error happened.

- Pr.Sinister - 2010-06-29

Pr.Sinister Wrote:Broken Link :


Sranshaft Wrote:It would probably help Kode narrow down the problem if you give him some more details; ie: what you were trying to do at the time the error happened.
  • Went to the site
  • Browsed the letter T
  • Clicked The Vampire Diaries to see which of the 2 logos i prefer
  • Broken Image Links for both logos

- hikaricore - 2010-06-29

I've seen this a couple times today and both linked to images with spaces in the name.
My guess would be that the filenames were changed and the database was not updated to reflect this.\
If I stumble back on the other one I'll post it here.


- Pr.Sinister - 2010-06-29


To Kode - Pr.Sinister - 2010-06-29

One nice feature that i would love to see on the site would be a search for all
shows with more than 1 logo.

With the download script, you take the logo that is available but if there is more
than one, i want to be able to choose the one i prefer. Although the -2 is
supposedly inferior, i have seen some -2 or -3 i preferred to the main one.

With that search on the site, we can go through all the ones that have multiple
logos and manually download the one we prefer.

Just a suggestion of course...


- Sranshaft - 2010-06-29

Pr.Sinister Wrote:Image

While it looks great on a white background, the white glow looks absolutely horrible against a dark background.

- Pr.Sinister - 2010-06-29

Sranshaft Wrote:While it looks great on a white background, the white glow looks absolutely horrible against a dark background.

Ok i removed the white glow...

I submitted the previous one to lockstock so i guess you have to reject it and
replace it with this one if you feel it's up to par...

- Sranshaft - 2010-06-29


Pr.Sinister Wrote:Ok i removed the white glow...

I submitted the previous one to lockstock so i guess you have to reject it and
replace it with this one if you feel it's up to par...

That's a bit better mate. Go ahead and add it to site and I'll approve it.

- Kode - 2010-06-29

Pr.Sinister Wrote:Broken Link :


Fixed, as hikaricore said its because of the space in the name, i think this originally happened when i scraped all the files, it wont happen on new uploads because when an image is approved all non alphanumeric characters are stripped out, including spaces

- Kode - 2010-06-29

hikaricore Wrote:I've seen this a couple times today and both linked to images with spaces in the name.
My guess would be that the filenames were changed and the database was not updated to reflect this.\
If I stumble back on the other one I'll post it here.


Fixed, i found another 8 and fixed those as well, if anyone finds any more (there shouldn't be) let me know

- Kode - 2010-06-29

Pr.Sinister Wrote:One nice feature that i would love to see on the site would be a search for all
shows with more than 1 logo.


Let me have a think how to implement it, but yeah, shouldn't be a problem

- Sranshaft - 2010-06-29

@Kode: Found a pretty big bug. The browsing link for 0-9 leads back to the main ClearLogo page.

Also, just thinking out loud here but, do we need to have the Requested Logos on every page while browsing? I'm thinking this should be confined to the front page and possibly a separate page just for requests. This would free up that second column for more logos shown on the page at a time.

- Kode - 2010-06-29

good point on the 0-9 link, thats because the front page used to be the 0-9 list Tongue i will fix.

You wont get any more on a page because every single one for each category is shown already, but if you can think of a better use of the space im open to ideas

*edit* 0-9 fixed